Here’s a comment on /r/GenZedong that points to a banned subreddit called /r/476AD … anybody know if they migrated elsewhere? perhaps Lemmy or Telegram? I’m curious to check it out

  • @jucheguevaraOP
    242 years ago

    peep this DuckDuckGo search result (broken link since the sub was taken down)

    • @xxcvzvcxx
      192 years ago

      reddit on fascismreclaimed:

      We can not remove subreddits just because of their political beliefs!

      reddit on 55 subscriber sub about people from global south being human:

      This is hate speech against Nazis, who are a marginalized and vulnerable group. Banned.

    • hazel
      192 years ago

      they’re getting more scared of us

      it also confirms my suspicion that they’re only quarantining us to keep us from spreading to other subs

  • @lil_tank
    142 years ago

    Damn the concept is so based we need this on lemmygrad

    • @jucheguevaraOP
      22 years ago

      if you make it I’d definitely love to join

  • hedgeheg
    122 years ago

    ive never seen it but dang

    • @jucheguevaraOP
      112 years ago

      yeah it was very young in its conception, only 56 subscribers at the time of banning

  • @Shrike502
    102 years ago

    Is the sub’s name in reference to the sacking of Rome by Alaric?

    • @jucheguevaraOP
      142 years ago

      that occurred in 410 AD, I believe the year 476 AD refers to the Battle of Ravenna

      at any rate, the sub’s name is indeed about the Fall of the Western Roman Empire