It stands for “North Atlantic F***ing Organization,” okay?
Source: I asked our fellow liberal and queen Hillary Clinton but this has nothing to do with that, so just trust me bro
Edit: Clarified since some people interpreted it much worse than I intended. I’m very sorry about that.
F****** = F slur
I’d like an answer from before making that assumption
I’m so sorry. I was just thinking of the F-word. It didn’t even cross my mind someone could interpret it that way.
Just “fucking”, then? That was one of the two words I could think of, unfortunately they have the same number of letters
Yeah, I edited the post a few hours ago after I saw your comment
I noticed, the clarification is appreciated
One asterisk too many for that to be right.
not in the plural form, which was my initial guess
NAFOs are dedicated Nazis directly under the payroll of CIA 🕵
Nazi Ants Floundering Online
I like “floundering”. I suspect NATO and equivalent organizations have a message problem.
Part of the reason BRICS seems to be gaining momentum is that it seems to be establishing a community of near-equals, with a message of cooperative prosperity. That’s appealing for countries trying to advance and gain global respect.
Any relationship with Washington is going to be vassalism-oriented; even if you’re all the right things ethnically and socially (see Australia) Buy the expensive gear, join the sanctions party, send a few of your own into the next unwinnable war against an abstract concept, but don’t expect to say much at the discussion table.
This is probably why arrangements like NATO and various “let’s box in China” blocs seem to be the way the US operates-- they can focus on a perceived military threat, and use the “we’re spending 4x your GDP on military hammers alone” card to claim an excessive mandate.
The weak spot is that the message tanks during peacetime. Would anyone be interested in joining NATO if Russia hadn’t been reboogeymanned over the last 15 years?
“Unwinnable war against an abstract concept” and the hammers line are bangers too 🫡
I call them “North American Fuckwad Organization” (yes, I know that they were founded by a Polish nazi)
This is the reason I asterisked it initially, since I was hoping for comments like that, but unfortunately it went horribly wrong :(
If you approve of NATO, you can’t lay good pipe. Ain’t no way the NAFO pricks can fuck good
LOL, it’s just hard for me to mentally not interpret NAFO as actually meaning that