• @AugustusOP
    4 years ago

    A key component of social fascism

    Firstly harm mitigation is vomit

    Secondly a case can be made that were you to degrade yourself to “harm mitigation” a case can be made that Trump is the ‘lesser’ evil than the “prostitute of big donors”

    Trump has

    • hastened the decline of US empire

    • Trump has not started a major war - a point made by Bolton who threw his toys out of the pram after years of thinking he could politic the Trump cabinet into a new major war in Venezuela and Iran. Bolton, the neofascist war hawk, who is now championed by democrats as a “resister” to Trump

    • Obama took Bush’s 3 wars to 7 (Biden is currently taking credit for the Obama administration)

    • Concentration camps on Mexico border started under Obama (again Biden is taking credit for the Obama admin)

    • under obama\Biden they prosecuted more whistle blowers than all previous presidents combined. You are insane if you think they won’t up the ante on secret police. This is something all neoliberal governments have been doing and is not unique to Trump

    • Trump has legitimised DPRK on the world stage by meeting with Kim Jong Un

    • Have basically made regime change impossible in Venezuela through sheer incompetence with the bay of piglets

    • All countries deemed “enemies” want another Trump term as he’s destroying US imperialism. I don’t see how a principled socialist can align their foreign policy with US and not China (one has 800+ military bases worldwide the other has 3)

    You’re job as a socialist is to bring down US empire. You live on the death star. How ridiculous would it be to “improve the wages” of the storm troopers on the death star for instance?

    If you wish to prostitute your morals by voting Biden don’t let me stop you. Specially after the Dems ratfucked Bernie (again).

    But that’s basically the core of social fascism - hoping for those sweet succdem gains paid for on the backs of dead bodies piled up from imperialism or the capitalist gulags providing your food\fruit\chocolate\minerals for high technology\prawns etc. whilst voting for a neocon who will probably start another 3 major wars, restrict your civil rights and liberties even further

    • @Black_Venom
      64 years ago

      I agree but I am not a general harm-reduction advocate. I originally decided there would be a better environment for leftists if Trump won but labeling AntiFa terrorists and his federal police crackdown changed my mind. I completely agree that it needs to be stated that a vote is barely the beginning of political advocacy whenever discussing electoralism but on principle I hold the aforementioned position on Biden v. Trump. (Not that leftists could swing this election even if voting as an organization lol) What do you think?

      • @AugustusOP
        104 years ago

        You need to have a broader picture of where society is going outside electoral nonsense

        The trend is further restricting civil liberties, further concentration camps on the Mexico border and dehumanisation, further forever war, the tightening of capital over labour, the further ruin of working people

        Once you accept this you realise it does not matter which mask the US wears: a Biden or Trump one

        The only difference is that the Trump mask is extra shitty and you can see the whole facade beneath US empire which is why the competent imperialists want him out for another Obama.

        You should also realise the US economy is collapsing as we speak and that some of the movements going to arise from it will be a bigger sea change than any social fascism sex offender you feel you need to vote for

        Whether the movements are a positive or a reactionary nature depends on organising now

    • @darkcalling
      4 years ago

      Well said! I have often considered these points myself. Especially what is best for the rest of the world and what may hasten the decline of US empire. Because it cannot be reformed and any efforts to help it stave off demise are counter-revolutionary and counter-productive.