• @RandomSovietKid
    74 years ago

    Not to mention everything else that’s wrong with this article, they’re doubting the video recording of him appearing at a factory opening… because they can’t verify when it was recorded. When you look at a picture of that opening (like this one: http://kcna.kp/siteFiles/img/202005/MM00281688.jpg), you can clearly read 2020년 5월 1일 — that’s the date. Are they seriously asserting that the DPRK media would fake dates and record in advance? And expect all the people at the ceremony to just play along with that?

    Really, if they wrote such stuff about any other country, that’d be disregarded as some absurd conspiracy theory. But they really have zero editorial standards when reporting about the DPRK.

    • loathesome dongeater
      54 years ago

      But they really have zero editorial standards when reporting about the DPRK.

      Or any non-capitalist nation for that matter.