Help me out.

I want to start a Lemmy with a focus on American and Indigenous history through a communist lens.

Among other things.

I’m willing to learn coding, tbf.

    • FuckBigTech347
      2 months ago

      Because UNIX-like systems such as GNU/Linux or the BSDs are FOSS (free open source software) where the user owns the means of computing. They’re proven to be extremely flexible while consuming few resources. Not only do they cost nothing, but the user also has access to all the Source code which allows anyone to break and bend the system to fit any shape. For instance the entire Internet right now runs on Computers with some custom variant GNU/Linux or BSD. Every modem/router you’ve come across either runs some version of GNU/Linux or OpenBSD. Every PlayStation starting with 4 runs FreeBSD, Sony just modified it to suit their needs. Netflix’s entire infrastructure runs on computers with FreeBSD. Android and ChromeOS are built on top of Linux, Google just modified it to fit their needs. Valve’s Steam Deck runs SteamOS which is a custom variant of Arch Linux. Etc.

      Literally the only scenario where Windows Server would make sense is if you’re a company that relies on decades old software that only runs on real Windows and most if not all your clients also run Windows. And even then it’s more of a “putting up with it” thing. Legitimate Windows Server licenses cost so much not because it’s quality software, but because Microsoft knows there is a lot of money to be made from people who are locked into their ecosystem. If you use Windows then Microsoft owns your computer and they call the shots. They just let you use it. Not to mention Windows phones home all the time and shows ads in many places and there is nothing you can do about it. If you have the choice why would you want to run a Server for a communist cause on such an OS?

      UNIX-like systems aren’t perfect, but they’re much better than the alternatives.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
        2 months ago

        Remember when Windows literally skipped the number “9” to get to number 10? Just for the sake of branding?

        I feel like that’s all Windows has, tbh.

    • الأرض ستبقى عربية
      2 months ago

      That’s the most popular option for web server. The other option typically will be a Windows server. The Lemmy documentation assumes that the server will be Unix-like, I don’t know if Windows is supported.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
        2 months ago

        I’m hoping that Windows is supported.

        I tried to install Linux in the computer but my dyslexia got the best of me.

        • davel
          2 months ago

          I’ve never run Lemmy myself. It would be somewhat easy for me to run it, but that’s only because this kind of stuff was my job. But even then I’m sure it would be a lot of work. People who say it’s easy don’t remember how much latent knowledge they already have that makes it easy for them.

          This search returns no hits, so I wouldn’t even consider running it on Windows:

          Lemmy isn’t just this one app that you run; it’s several that interoperate with each other, including a database server (PostgreSQL):

          $ curl -sL | yq '.services | keys'

          Each of the above represents its own Linux virtual machine running one or more services.

          • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
            2 months ago

            People who say it’s easy don’t remember how much latent knowledge they already have that makes it easy for them.

            Yeah, there’s the rub; it’s like a boomer forgetting what he went through when he was young or in his twenties/thirties.

            “Lemmy isn’t just this one app that you run; it’s several that interoperate with each other, including a database server (PostgreSQL):”

            Right off the bat, that sounds more complicated.