• Black AOC
    11 months ago

    Yet another swing on Black Agenda Report, yet another miss. I won’t deny that PSL has some reformist tendencies, but the minute he fixed his face to start talking about BAR when the articles they posted alerting the community to just who RAWM actually was under the Scooby Doo villain mask, this just reads as another article trying to relitigate his caping for the seemingly-omniphobic crackers of the Mises Caucus as ‘good for the revolution’. Like one of the comments said-- “feels like some real ‘everyone’s a revisionist but me’”, over a trojan horse movement full of libertarian crackers.

    Three strikes; gotta throw the whole man out at this point.

    • @ImOnADiet
      1611 months ago

      Thought about tagging you, I was pretty sure I had seen some scathing take downs of Shea from you lol

    • jackissocool
      611 months ago

      @absentthereaper @Lemmy_Mouse he frames trying to radicalize and then recruit people on the left fringes of liberal movements (Bernie people) as allying with liberals, which is an absolute misrepresentation. Meanwhile, he does red-brown alliance shit because libertarians have the vaguest, most non-committal “anti-war” stance imaginable. Libertarians are openly hostile to working class politics - it is the fundamental element of their ideology. Meanwhile, many communists are former libs.

      • Black AOC
        11 months ago

        What absolutely galls me about the whole thing is that Jacqueline Luqman categorically showed how even old-guard Libertarians don’t fuck with these new Mises Caucus mfs like that(Libertarian officials have been literally quitting their jobs in protest since the party takeover), along with SEVERAL EXAMPLES of these neo-Libertarians and their varied hatreds; yet Rainer’s out here shilling their movement like his buddies who “should no longer be concerned about offending progressives or Beltway types and shouldn’t be afraid to reach out to the coalition that elected former President Donald Trump”(direct quote from a libertarian magazine’s article fluffing the Mises Caucus) like they’re not gonna try and off every single one of us that helps them.

        I’ve got nothing for Shea but contempt at this point; that motherfucker’s gonna get people killed.

      • QueerCommie
        211 months ago

        I’m sure there’s a few kids who just wanna free Assange that these tailists can get on their side, but we shouldn’t abandon progressives.