I think I did well for being dogpilled?

Also, they always don’t argue with any backing to their claims, and expose themselves for not giving a crap about other countries.

    121 year ago


    I’m getting flashbacks of me when I was a lib 😭

    • @TeezyZeezy
      101 year ago

      I remember around the time of Biden getting elected I was a liberal. Not really a “China bad” liberal, I didn’t know too much about politics at the time, but just a “Trump no good so other party must be better” type beat. Crazy times, I cringe when I see old memes I have saved that are pro-Biden… lol

      • @CITRUS
        91 year ago

        I remember having this idea as a ‘kid’ that “I would run as a Republican, but get this I was secretly a Democrat, then I would become President and have a bunch of ‘good democratic policies’ and unite the country”

        So naive… like 2 years ago, how?

        • @TeezyZeezy
          71 year ago

          Hahaha yes the ultimate Joe Liberal plan >:) I remember I believed that “just after Joe gets elected, we can really get this country back on track. All three branches are blue! Let’s goo Amerikkka is back”

          I know… we’ve come far, comrade

            • @TeezyZeezy
              101 year ago

              “Holy shit guys, we might become a socialist nation! Like the Nordic model!!!” - me, circa 2020

          • @CITRUS
            71 year ago

            Thank goodness, hopefully we are the tip of the spear and more comrades are to come.