
Other responses:

  • @seanchai
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • I’m kinda envious of how good you can write points on thin lined subjects, I always get mistaken for an extremist because I can’t communicate what I’m saying proberly. An example someone once said in a convo something about removing an expensive car’s badge for the car to not be stolen, that being a dumbass thing to say I said (I admit it’s a bad comparison) it’s like saying a woman won’t be harassed if she wore something not revealing (my argument was that a car’s badge affects the car being stolen as much as revealing clothes affect a woman being harassed as in the car would be stolen anyway if there’s thieves around) it was a very tasteless comparison and dumb and due to my poor wording everyone thought I was a rape apologist (something I am not).

      This whole paragraph I just wrote can also be used as an example of me not knowing how to write without sounding weird.

      • @seanchai
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        121 year ago

        If they interpreted what you said as what you actually said, they would know what you meant. The issue is that these people love looking for every way possible to ascribe bad intentions to everything they read online, so they interpreted your reply as something you did not say. It is extremely annoying, and a big reason that I barely use any social media other than Lemmygrad now.