I was researching Nicaragua and he noticed Daniel Ortega on my screen and said “when I lived in Nicaragua we weren’t allowed to talk about him” I said “he’s done good stuff for Nicaragua and he said “he’s corrupt and pays people to run against him and lose,” “he supports Russia pillaging Ukraine” “my American family member had more freedom than us, so we moved to the here,” then I annoyedly did a bunch of research to prove him wrong (and Wikipedia is a terrible source on it) then I didn’t have any time to tell him anything more. (Btw of course he’s white, white people only make up 17% of the Nicaraguan population) IDK if gusanos can be non-Cuban, but if they can then that he is.

  • SovereignState
    301 year ago

    Comrade and I met a Nicaraguan gusano at a BLM rally whose family apparently still hold political and financial power over swathes of Central America. He was an actual goddamn psychopath. He said he was there because he was interested in the “other side”, and the only thing he was interested in was accumulating as much power as possible. When my comrade asked him why he was going to school in the states he just replied “Power.” He said the contras were heroes and he wanted to be in the position to control death squads like his father did who “defended his property from rebels”. Just deranged as fuck.

    • @mauveOkra
      201 year ago

      TFW you meet a Latin American student at a US university who only knows 1 word in Spanish “from his nanny”.

    • MexicanCCPBot
      71 year ago

      Sometimes it’s nice seeing fascists and capitalists being so honest and direct about the reason they do what they do: class interests. No beating around the bush with concern trolling, no religious/racial/cultural/ideological/“freedom and democracy” nonsense, no, just straight up power and money.