Look at their faces when they realise he doesn’t fall for anti-communist propaganda

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Ludo Martens’ Another View of Stalin is phenomenal. It gives detailed accounts of the turmoils that Stalin had to lead through, as well as explaining a lot of anti-communist talking points as either totally fabricated or issues that occured in spite of Stalin’s leadership instead of because of it.

    Much of Grover Furr’s work is more reactive in its analyses, that being deconstructing myths one at a time in more of a bulleted list format. Khruschev Lied is still essential imo for debunking a lot of the myths.

    I’m not sure I’ve heard of the 140k officer thing. It’s probably related to purges if I had to guess and this is a beautiful account of what purges actually were, who they were levied against and why, etc. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RbEmfzJeY48

    • @201dberg
      72 years ago

      Thanks so much comrade. That podcast episode I mentioned and some of the Proles of the round table go into the purges too. My “friend” has some real dogshit takes a lot of the time so I’m sure it’s just some bullshit. I also need to read up on the Ukraine pogroms. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was somehow tied to those or other issues with the Ukrainian nationalists and he’s gonna end up defending fucking fascists.

      My knowledge of the early stuff is just lacking and finding time to sit down and read about it has proven difficult. I hate that I’ve lived souch of my life ignorant and now I am trying to speed run learning what others have spend decades learning. At least with the podcasts stuff I can listen to it while I run and lift which is like, the one little thing I can do to keep myself in shape after work.

      • SovereignState
        2 years ago

        Absolutely. If you haven’t listened, some of the members of Proles of the Roundtable went on to create Invent the Future which is just as great a podcast.

        Something that amazed me to learn (from Martens’ book) about the early USSR and early into Stalin’s leadership is that the Whites were very active throughout the countryside until like 1928, committing pogroms and burning down villages – in that sense the Russian Civil War went on for much longer than wikipedia or whatever would claim it did, and it’s also a prime example imo of important historical context being completely forgotten (intentionally or otherwise) in favor of anti-communist talking points. Dekulakization and the liquidation of certain aspects of the peasant class make a whole lot more sense with this context, but that doesn’t serve the prevailing narrative.