

Discussion questions:

  1. What TV shows or films have you watched recently?

  2. What subscription services are you subscribed to, if any?

Question of the week:

Who is your favorite film director or film directors?

Anyway, make sure to also answer the questions in the title!


  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    22 years ago

    Watched a horror movie on Hulu called Follow Me(also called No Escape) it’s really good I don’t wanna spoil it. I’ve also been obsessed with Training Day. All week I’ve been saying to myself “You wanna go to Jail or you wanna go home, Jake?” And I’ve been listening to Denzel’s final monologue over and over lol. I also really liked a very old horror movie called M. It takes place in Germany like a few years before the Nazis took over and its the story of a small German town that tries to find out who’s been killing kids in town. Eventually it turns into a sort of allegory for control, as the government takes harsher and harsher measures to find the criminal and to keep society safe. It’s from like 1931 or something so it’s pretty interesting for a movie so early to have such a nuanced plot.