Almost whole Kharkiv Oblast is lost because of ‘‘tactics’’ by whoever is in command, tactics of retreating over and over again, losing land, then taking it back, again losing it over and over and over again for months. Leaving civillians behind who will get slaughtered by nazis. Ukronazis almost entered LPR, Donetsk is still suffering after 8 years with no end in sight, they freerly bomb settlements and kill everyone who speaks Russian and what does Russia do?

SHOWING MERCY ON NAZIS, heal their soldiers when they capture them and then let them scot free after. Spare civil infrastructure and strategic locations, roads, everything important in Ukraine, sparing them over and over again while they are slaughtering people and want to kill every Russian and Russian ally on this planet!!! Instead of launching an offensive steamrolling the Ukrainian cities, bomb the shit out of their military and destroy every strategic location. What can other people who need protection from Russia expect after this? What can Abghazia and South Ossetia, Transnistria and others expect?

I don’t know what did I expect with bourgeoisie in power, without Red Army and without Zhukov or generals like him…

We must stick to China for protection against western hordes if the war breaks out as it seems…

What are your opinions on the state of war and how long will this last like this?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    92 years ago

    The word around the grapevine is that Russia pulled back to lul Ukraine into extending its forces into territory that Russia knows it can easily retake, to grind Ukraine’s forces down and break morale. With the Donbas and Luhansk regions nearly fully liberated, all Russia really needs now is to force Ukraine to surrender. It doesn’t make sense for them to commit to trying to take the whole country, so it’s smarter for them to utilize tactics to break the resolve of the Ukrainian leadership. By pulling out of the region, they force Ukraine’s forces to spread thinner to retake territory. Once they are thinned, it’s easier to shell their positions and force the soldiers to lose hope. Turning what looks like a victory into an obvious defeat works wonders for crippling your enemy, and I think that’s what Russia is doing.

    Hopefully by showing Ukraine that it can’t hold territory, destroying their power plants and their logistical hubs, etc. Ukraine’s leadership will finally acknowledge that they can’t win, and surrender. And hopefully that happens fast, shit’s poppin’ off in the Caucasus.

    Though, I’m not an expert and none of us are privy to Russia’s classified documentation. So none of us can say anything for sure. The one big thing to bear in mind is Russia has one of the most modernized militaries on earth rn, with some of the brightest tactical minds. They very likely know what they’re doing, and if you’re hoping they’ll win this war, you might as well trust that their choice to pull out will pay off.

    • JucheBot1988
      62 years ago

      Kiev essentially blew all its resources on this “victory.” So when Russia comes back and hits them in force, they’re basically screwed.

      We should bear in mind that the Ukrops spent eight years digging in. Good entrenchments and bunker systems are difficult to take out – in the 80s, NATO doctrine actually mandated the use of tactical nuclear weapons to break up an entrenched enemy, civilians be damned – so it’s good to get the enemy spread as thin as possible.