Seems like most of y’all just think that since the “capitalist” countries are run by corrupt power hungry pricks that means the “communist” countries must be the good guys.

They’re all run by power hungry billionaires and you’re all being played.

(All the “” are cuz no country is run by anyone who follows the religions i mean economic theories, they’re all run by power hungry people who use the people and pit them against eachother to distract from the fact were dying and working for cults)

inb4 the ban hammer (and sickle?) drops on me

    2 years ago

    The real wage (IE the wage adjusted for the prices you pay) has gone up 4x in the past 25 years, more than any other country. This is staggering considering it’s the most populous country on the planet. The US real wage by comparison is lower in 2019 than it was in 1973.

    thats impressive, ill read about this.

    96% of Chinese are satisfied with the national government

    … do you really believe this lmao im sure theyre totally honest when asked if they approve and their in no way scared to say otherwise.

    • SovereignState
      2 years ago

      Have you ever been to China?

      edit: No, almost certainly not. Chinese people are not afraid to criticize their government. Here’s some street randos interviewed by a “centrist” “apolitical” channel if their opinions mean anything to you.

      China has incredible support for the national govt. Local govts are often accused of corruption and incompetence. The CPC is cracking down on them.

    • Muad'DibberA
      112 years ago

      do you really believe this lmao im sure theyre totally honest when asked if they approve and their in no way scared to say otherwise.

      Pure, unhinged racism. If its a Chinese study, it must be untrustworthy. If its a US study that says something positive about China, it must also be untrustworthy.

      Have you ever had any introspection about how incredibly racist the person staring back at you in the mirror is?

      • NXLOP
        -152 years ago

        pure unhinged racism? if a study said 96% of people supporting a government (any government) its wild to take that and not understand its ridiculous

        if it said 96% agree everyone should drink water you could assume its a shady poll lmao

        • RedFortress
          2 years ago

          Why is it ridiculous? Do you think it’s impossible to satisfy a population? Especially considering the fact most of them were living in poverty some years ago?

          It makes it hard to believe that you’re not a westerner, only a westerner would say something like that.

          People from the third world are more concerned with shaking off their more glaring problems and if it means having a government that doesn’t fit in the “democracies” category they’ll take it.