• @Shrike502
    192 years ago

    People keep talking about “Russian soldiers with swastikas”, but can’t say I’ve seen photos of that. Sure we got some major nationalist scumbags, but active duty military? Can’t say I’ve seen them.

    As opposed to, ya know, UA forces.

    • @bleepingblorp
      122 years ago

      And Amerikkkan military forces. Part of the reason I only did one tour in the Imperialist military was because I saw too many people with lightning bolt tats spewing racist bullshit.

    • @GloriousDoubleK
      102 years ago

      I’d ask for receipts of these claims, but im sure we are at the point that even peanut gallery armchair generals would photoshop pictures just to prove their point.

      Here is something that people dont know and im gonna go out on a limb and assume it’s similar in other militaries.

      In the US military, certain tattoos and markings will make you inelligible to serve unless you get them removed. Which means that you have to get some SERIOUSLY esoteric symbols to get away with donning hate symbols.

      Now. Militaries have a uniform code. There are regulations and standards for uniforms. Members must conform to a particular uniform look.

      So. Somewhere along the process of UA members covered in hate symbols; their leaders approved in some form or fashion or turned a blind eye.

      Now I cant say that all militaries are the same. Im only going out on a limb and assuming that nearly all militaries have very similar processing procedures for recruits.

      And Im just gonna assume that if ANYONE was gonna be mad strict about what kind of tatts a soldier could have; it would be the god damned Russian military… ESPECIALLY if they found some piss ant jabroni donning symbols of a regime that managed to kill 27 million Russians.

      Frankly, I dont know how displaying Nazi symbols in Russia isnt just an asswhoopin on sight.

      • @REEEEvolution
        112 years ago

        Slight correction: 27 to 40 million soviets. Not just russians. Belarussia lost about 25% of its population. Ukraine was completely devastated by war and the Axis exporting ALL food. People had to resort to cannibalism. And yet, both were hotbeds of partisan activity. With most of the population being completely pro-USSR. Seeing the descedants of these heroes now turn to worship Nazi colaborators is just disgusting.

    • @Anatolianin
      52 years ago

      Либералы наши любят говорить про Русич. Который как бы и близко по масштабам не стоит с тем же Азовом, но им похрен.

      • @Shrike502
        52 years ago

        Я конечно про Тесака и его банду думал, но тоже верно подмечено. А зарубежные “товарищи” любят поминать Вагнера, по делу и без.