• Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
    73 years ago

    RT isn’t that bad, esp when talking about things like this. They’re deffo better than a source like dailymail or CNN, but nowhere near perfect.

    • @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      it’s a company partly run and affiliated with corrupt oligarchs and is involved in money extraction and laundering schemes and other sketchy things, and in general their journalism quality is lacking at best, i guess you could say that it has the benefit of not being affiliated with the us government, but still, i would personally much prefer another source if there were one

      • @CriticalResist8A
        113 years ago

        There’s no such thing as free or unbiased journalism… at best what you can do is read the article and evaluate each and every claim – what they say, why they say it, what they are not saying, which words they’re using, etc.

      • @XiangMai
        73 years ago

        CNN platforms cia analysts and other deep state officials

        RT platforms Marxists of varying stripes and even has Communist Party members on its shows denouncing US imperialism

        RT is good and you already know its bias