• MarxStuff
    2 years ago

    the third rome, how many fucking romes existed according to these people???

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      After Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, russian orthodox church started to push that idea about first Pskov and then Moscow, since russian OC was the strongest patriarchy and Moscow was the strongest orthodox country. I don’t think it was offcial although Ivan III coronation as Tsar (“Caesar”) was confirmation of sort, and the idea was often more or less officially mentioned trough the ages.

      There was of course also the Carolingian Empire which was official successor of the Western Rome, and Holy Roman Empire later.

      Ottoman Sultans also counted themselves as roman emperors.

      So 6. There were 6 Romes. Maybe even 7 if we count the Trebizond episode, but it’s not counted usually.