Why does BadEmpanada always have to fuck up and act like a liberal? Like hes recently stated that “tankie is just a buzzword used by liberals” and also made a based video debunking the Holodomor and exposing the double genocide theory, but then he still makes trash like this. “Grover Furr is basically a stalinist holocaust denier” “Hes not taken seriously by anyone [meaning liberal academia]” “Only 14 year old Twitter stalinists read him”. “Hes not a serious historian” No analysis of his books, no evidence, no arguments, just the good ol “if liberal academia doesnt approve what you say then its wrong” spiced up with some double genocide bs (“stalinist denial=holocaust denial”). Like literally, Furr cites the same “respectable historians” BE cited in his Holodomor video and arrives pretty much at the same conclusion about the Holodomor, that it wasnt a genocide nor man made (as in intentionally made). And yet, somehow, Grover Furr is a “stalinist holocaust denier”. How can you be this stupid? I dont understand, please help.

  • @VictimOfReligion
    142 years ago

    Because Argentinans are heavily Tortskists in general, and ML Argentinans are fucking fed with it.

    • loathesome dongeater
      172 years ago

      I think he was born and raised in Australia. Not sure if his move to Argentina has anything to do with his heritage.

    • @SaddamHussein24OP
      122 years ago

      He isnt argentinian tho, he just lives there. AFAIK he isnt a trot, he dislikes Trotsky. Hes more of a khrushchevite id say.

      • Apple Juice
        192 years ago

        That’s a new one, never heard of anyone actively praise Khrushchev other than liberals praising him for shit talking Stalin.

        • @SaddamHussein24OP
          62 years ago

          I mean he doesnt like explicitly praise Khrushchev, but he supports USSR while disliking Stalin, so its kinda like corn man

          • @Rafael_Luisi
            52 years ago

            Thats like praising kruschev with extra steps!

      • @VictimOfReligion
        102 years ago

        Who… Who the fuck can be a suporter of Khrushev!? And not even a real Argentinan? Man, this begins to explain things