I don’t know if this is appropriate for this community or not, and I apologize if it isn’t.

I’m a leftist amateur writer who has been world-building a science fantasy socialist/communist society for use in roleplaying and potential future story writing. Basically, a communist nation of animals who have cast aside predator-prey relationships. The characters are animals simply because I like animals, but it could also represent the fact that prehistoric hunter-gatherer tribes are thought of as communist (symbolized by the fact that animals are thought of as being closer to nature). Here are my writings:

The society itself: https://old.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/comments/iy5jmh/the_unified_territories_a_nation_of_intelligent/

My main character: https://old.reddit.com/r/scifiwriting/comments/k91k13/yvonne_dandelionpaw_the_chemist_cat/

I would appreciate feedback, especially in terms of whether this is actually communism.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    23 years ago

    I’m currently writing a story that has communist elements in it, though I mostly leave it in the background.

    Maybe we can share tips and tricks of the trade? I’m about 10 pages into my story so maybe I should wait until I’m further in, but I’d like some advice, if you have the time.

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      23 years ago

      Granted, I’m nowhere near experienced at writing communism either, but feel free to message me!

      • Makan ☭ CPUSA
        23 years ago

        Sure thing. Let me attend to some things and I’ll get back to you.