I needed to verify my account and of course youtube told me that after the first video failed to upload. So now I get to reupload the whole fucking thing.

Good news is you can already download it on my drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1inGS6bw1ytLgXstt1LurfRtfo6n7BLcX/view?usp=sharing. This is in case you want to clip parts of it and share them on reddit or tiktok.

Also please share the video on other platforms too, like reddit or discord. This is our chance to make more libs watch Parenti (this whole project came about after a clip was posted to r/nextfuckinglevel and libs loved it).

  • @invent_the_future
    63 years ago

    this is awesome dude, I just have to nitpick some technical aspects:

    • you zoomed in to upscale and have the 16:9 standard, I would rather have cropped the side margins and adopt the academy ratio or even the standard 4:3 ratio, as now it looks more like a wide Parenti, his head fills too much of the canvas
    • you masked the static noise but I think Parenti’s voice lost some punch, lost some dynamic range, even though overall the audio is quieter

    otherwise this is really cool, props for using your free time for such a thing <3

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      23 years ago

      I agree on both points, however:

      • this is unfortunately the side effect of converting to 16:9 without black bars. However, now it looks great on phones which is probably where most views will come from. The original footage also had some lens distortion (started to look a bit like a fisheye lens) and correcting this made Parenti seem wider. I’m not sure how wide he actually is in real life (lol) but we can safely say the original footage made him look a bit too thin.
      • Probably an experience audio engineer could mask the hum without affecting the sharp frequencies too much, but I couldn’t lol. Masking background noise, no matter what noise it is, requires that you turn the volume down on the specific frequencies it appears, which will also mask some of the good footage you want to keep. With the shitty speakers built in smartphones there is a bit too much bass in this footage unfortunately (and they’re not great at picking it up), but bringing the sharp frequencies up would bring back the hum.
      • loathesome dongeater
        23 years ago

        I don’t know anything about audio engineering either but Audacity has a denoising module. I just processed the original audio with it just to see how it turned out: https://ksynwa.xyz/parenti.mp3

        There’s a bit of a hum in the beginning when Parenti start speaking but it sounds fine after that though I don’t trust my ears when it comes to discerning quality at all.

        • @CriticalResist8OPA
          33 years ago

          Lol well once again, audacity proves to be better than proprietary, expensive software. Or I may have been overzealous in deleting the hum because I didn’t want it there on the silent parts.

          I may reupload the video… but I see now that it’s been shared a little and I’m not sure if it’s too late or not to reupload.

          • @Amorphous
            43 years ago

            You could simply upload new, better versions as you mess with it over time, and set the previous versions to unlisted as you go. That way any previous links wouldn’t be broken, but you’d have improved versions to send people moving forward.

          • loathesome dongeater
            13 years ago

            I am sure proprietary software will have this ability too. Yeah no need to remake and reupload the video.

            • @invent_the_future
              23 years ago

              yeah Audition has it and I actually prefer it because it’s a more powerful/customizable tool