• JucheBot1988
      162 years ago

      It’s funny, because the original fascists at least had striking aesthetics. Modern fascists can’t even do that right.

      • @Rafael_Luisi
        92 years ago

        At least they where able to have some villain drip 90/80 years ago, they cant even have that nowadays lol

      • @Octavian
        62 years ago

        They really didn’t, a lot of Nazi aesthetics were considered tacky at the time. Modern people think of it as being stylish because we associate it with the era, but for the time stuff like fully black uniforms with a mixture of anachronistic Imperial era and “Germanic” symbols was tacky as fuck.

        • JucheBot1988
          52 years ago

          That makes a lot of sense, actually. The swastika flag – which puts a symbol that Europeans had mostly used as a good-luck charm on top of a red socialist banner – is pretty tacky when you think about it. Like putting a video game symbol on a flag and then marching around it with it as a serious political statement.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                22 years ago

                LMAO, but I think on a serious note gamers are chill people. No conflicts of interest since I retired from gaming many years ago.

                On a side note, I still remember those political compass graph done by aella_girl on sexual fetishes. She mapped them well based on a survey of ~19k people, have the graphs. I wonder if someone will ever do or has done such graphs for content genres people like.