Ok so you have probably seen the recent attack on the saudi petrol well where a drone as just blown it up . But is it just me or it is convinient for the US that 1 of there ally as been attack by supposedly Iran ? Personally I realy think it is a ‘‘coup’’ by the US because , wich country is know to use drone ? the US . So what do you think ? Thanks in advance and sorry for the english !

  • @bhenck
    5 years ago

    I mean the Huthis said they did it, they have drones… So I guess this is more likely.

    I think the issue is that while so hawks will try to use this to get their war with iran, I dont think it makes sense. They have enough other reasons in the past few months if they wanted one.

    On the flip side this really shows what Iran and its allies (Hisbola, Huthis, etc.) are capable of if attacked. To assume that any oilwell in the gulf region would still work after iran retaliates, that US embassies would survive, that the US army camps in the area wouldnt be attacked is fictitious. Saudi Arabia is a fucking unstable country. If something massive happens there, there kingdom could quite easily fall. Israel is also extremely vulnerable…

    Petro dollar would be gone, the world economy in a massive recession. Uprisings and riots throughout asia. Possibly the fall of the US empire… There are reasons why the US has Iran on #1 ever since the revolution, but instead the two neighboring countries were attacked (which both didnt have a functioning airforce).