Let’s hope the CIA doens’t show up.

  • @TeethOrCoat
    34 years ago

    CamilateleSUR on twitter posted some vids of the celebrations. Very good sign here sure, but even if the puppet concedes, will her handler (Empire) allow it so easily? Where does the military stand?

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      44 years ago

      The military likely knows they’re outnumbered, and it’s pretty obvious that a continued effort to coup would only lead to Vietnam II: Lithium Boogaloo. If the US continues to push for a coup, at this point it’s more than clear it’ll go nowhere.

      • @TeethOrCoat
        34 years ago

        The US does seem to be quieting down on Bolivia and moving on to Nicaragua and Venezuela, possibly Nigeria. I’m still wary for now though, especially if Joe “more competent imperialism” Biden gets in. Even if Bolivia does prevail in the end, possibility of a Vietnam II is still a fucking horrible fate, considering how many of our past comrades were killed in Vietnam I.