“Totally” will have known what to do in 1918 when the enemies were at the gates to the tune of the US, Germany, Japanese and White army soldiers.

“Totally” will not have taken measures to feed the starving populations after our economy was ruined by civil war.

“Totally” will not have tried to industrialize as the fascists were preparing to destroy all Communist Bolsheviks, Jews, Slavs.

“Totally” would have not made an agreement with the fascist pigs in order to buy time for my people to be able to catch up with the rest of the more modernized world and their modernized armies because why not resist the fascists and just have them destroy us all on behalf of the western “democracies” to get rid of the “problem” they couldn’t get rid of before.

No no the “correct” thing to do was just not bother at all, and just let fascist Germany genocide us to boot, heck they damn near did. In fact forget the necessary secret police to protect against foreign enemies seeking to destabilize us because secret police is too “authoritarian” because fuck context right guys? We will have our perfect Socialist utopia without police or even harsh but necessary measures to protect our people, nah it’s better if we suffered the same fate as the Paris Commune and got rolled on, because Socialist countries are only good after they’ve been destroyed because who wants to think about the difficulty of administrating a whole new society? Nah I just want to live in the revolutionary moment and then fuck off and write a book about how all authoritarian countries are the same for the same reasons and how fascist and communists are “totally” the same.

Socialist countries can’t ever make mistakes! Therefore I will make an imaginary perfect Socialist country and reject all other former Socialist countries as “not real Socialism” because I totes know what my imaginary Socialist country looks like in my head.

Thought I’d post something funny to get my mind off all the bullshit going on right now in the world and my country.

  • T34 [they/them]
    54 years ago

    nah it’s better if we suffered the same fate as the Paris Commune and got rolled on, because Socialist countries are only good after they’ve been destroyed

    Yeah this exactly! Bougie white capitalists had to invent Uncle Tom because they wouldn’t support Harriet Tubman or Nat Turner who were right there. They only give a shit about helpless victims, or martyrs who are already dead, never POC who shoot back. Never Assata Shakur or Leonard Peltier, not to mention Assad or Castro.