I think judging by the posts on this instance, a lot of people here didn’t think that Russia would take military action against Ukraine. I was one of those people. Hell, even yesterday I wasn’t expecting to wake up to this. But I think it’s safe to say that that position was incorrect.

I’ve read opinions from communists on both sides now that it’s happened of whether the military action was justified or not, but it seems that few are reflecting on the fact that we were wrong about the prediction that there was not going to be military action. Personally, I’m very surprised that this happened. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.

    • @jucheguevara
      62 years ago

      Azov Batallion just to name something off the top of my head

      • @gnocchi@lemmy.ml
        32 years ago

        i use to live in ukraine during the revolution and i remember hearing about a group in maidan called svoboda or something like that. do you think that a lot of these ideologies are springing up in reaction to russia in general? it seems like the people who were involved in that stuff were struggling with unemployment and didnt have much to do all day, maybe got sucked into it because of feeling powerless

        • @peeonyou@lemmy.ml
          32 years ago

          Well then, they can’t be real neonazis if they’re just doing it for feelings of power…

          • @jucheguevara
            42 years ago

            I mean nazis and communists both recruited from similar poor and working class neighborhoods, but one was backed by ultra-reactionary finance capital (nazis) and one was backed by the blood and sweat of the laboring masses (the communists) … so gnocchi is right, crisis leads to radicalization. it’s just that sometimes people are tricked into the wrong ideologies because of lack of socialist education

            • @gnocchi@lemmy.ml
              12 years ago

              maybe. a lot of younger people in ukraine are really disillusioned from the USSR, i didnt meet anyone on a personal level who liked the idea of communism during that time. i think that if people feel angry and dont have a lot of opportunities, or maybe they are reactionary toward russia, i personally think that the alternative right and some neo nazi movements are in reaction to the left

              • @bufalo73
                2 years ago

                deleted by creator

    • QueerCommie
      02 years ago

      Azov Battalion are literally part of the national guard