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Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • I think the author’s perspective is the solution should aim towards the social organisation of workers (in this case artists) as a group in a step towards the worker’s state; the technology is not the problem but the privatisation of the surplus value from socialised labour is. Art-luddites (if such a thing is even possible now) would actually be a good thing - they could threaten “machinary” to gain leverage for workers at large.

    It is not one’s personal failure for attempting to survive in a system that exploits one and their labour, neither is a recognition of any classes that we fit in that is not exclusively proleteriat. As individuals maybe our only realistic solution be attempts towards becoming petty-bourgoisie or highly sought after labour aristocrats - if not already there - (which will not mitigate sufficiently the contradictions) but as an organisation the scope is much much more.

    We have to remember when we are reading more radical writing that they are trying to push where we could be as a society ie the opposite of tailism. However, we should always place those ideas in the context of our own realities and trial them where appropriate, and learn on the feedback from this process - that is the more scientific and dialectic approach.

  • Why is learning Mandarin symbolic of being submissive rather than being considerate/respectful to a person and people you have a close relationship with?

    I wonder if it is their perspective too that learning English is subordination to the West. In many ways a validation of what Frantz Fanon was saying:

    Every colonized people-in other words, every people in whose soul an inferiority complex has been created by the death and burial of its local cultural originality-finds itself face to face with the language of the civilizing nation; that is, with the culture of the mother country. The colonized is elevated above his jungle status in proportion to his adoption of the mother country’s cultural standards. Black Skin, White Masks

  • Haha of course!

    A post of yours from a while back that I remembered - I try to afford the credibility of intelligence, rather than stupidity which sugars my own egotism, especially with those whose perspectives I find repulsive:

    China’s young people should avoid “wishful thinking” about the United States, according to Cui Tiankai, the country’s former ambassador to the US.

  • These developments look increasingly structural. The authorities’ stance since 2020, including regulatory tightening and zero-COVID lockdowns, appear to have inflicted long-lasting damage to China’s private economy, the dynamism of which was a defining feature of its economic miracle in the past four decades. Nearly 20 months into China’s COVID reopening, the private sector has yet to bounce back, despite many pro-private business utterances and gestures from China’s leadership. In sum, the findings here corroborate the view that China continues to suffer from “economic long COVID.”

    I wonder how the “pro-private business” countries are doing and whether there are any other markers of a healthy political economy that might not be the profits or revenue of the private sector.

  • Thank you once again for sharing.

    His channel has excellent insights and well put together. Short, easily digestable, well cited and nicely presented along with often beautiful drone photography of China at the end. Thank you yogthos for introducing this channel.

    He is a business analyst who sees through the western media smokescreen, the destructiveness of the western military indsutrial complex, the gains China has made, and the sophistication of how China develops out of poverty and builds out diplomacy. He clearly either lives in China or visits often and has first hand experience.

    However, he is an excellent example of how deep Western delusion runs.

    What is the reason he believes China is winning? Christianity. He claims this from a positive perspective. The language he uses to explain international trade diplomacy alludes to imperialism from a historical context (remember he does not appear to have marxist understanding of capital) in the link to the video attached, with a Chinese Christian twist of the White Man’s Burden as he sees it. He also alludes to why other communist countries have failed in his eyes; their godlessness. It is almost as if it is from another channel. It is amazing that China’s strategy can win loyalty even from these kinds of people. The video in question:


    It is a common theme from liberal analysts who see China in a positive light; the reason for success is anything but marxism-leninsm.

    The efficiency of implementation of socialism in China is a remarkable achievement in human history; given limited resources and the pitfalls of attempting to propagate revolutionary agitprop abroad they have decided to instead focus on prioritising mutually beneficial material gains. It is such a powerful force in itself that no resources needed to be wasted in further propaganda; peoples with all sorts of bourgoisie narratives will still promote you if they perceive a benefit for themselves (case in point: the youtuber described)!

    Edit/ added last paragraph

  • He knows that there is an understanding that zionism is not judaism which is why he has to specify the contrary. As others have noted:

    1. Zionism is not Judaism.
    2. There are multitudes more non-Jewish zionists than there are Jewish ones.
    3. To the Zionist the only valid Jewish identity is that of the fascist settler-colonialist. They seek to erase other Jewish identities especially anti-zionists ones; zionists seek to normalise colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide. Zionists often slur Jewish peoples that oppose zionism as “self-loathing”.
    4. Number 3 is a common imperialist/capitalist phenomenon. See for example the erasure of communist Ukrainian identities in favour of fascist diaspora.
    5. Zionism is deeply anti-semitic.

  • Ultimately the defence of anti-communism is the defence of fascism. That is the road this takes. The volunteer nazi safety advocates must be getting desperate to be triggered this badly; I wonder if they are cognizant at some level of that tap of superexploitation slowly turning off and their economies imploding.

  • darkernationstoFunnyAccurate
    1 month ago

    It is sad that Harris will probably never face any real justice for her participation in war crimes. May she be followed by the accusations of genocide till the end of her days.