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  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    5 years ago

    Blaming China for monitoring data is heavily dishonest, as the US also monitors data. As does the EU. As does Russia. As does Japan. As does the Commonwealth Sphere. Every notable governing body monitors data.

    It’s logical to monitor data, doing so has had an effect on counter-terrorism and on the effectiveness of law enforcement. Only a foolish government would refuse to monitor data in the information age, it’s like asking a house inspector to wear a blindfold. That’s only going to cause problems down the line.

    China uses a lot of CCTV cameras. But again, so does every notable state. They also have had a big impact on crime, and contribute to Chinese cities being relatively safe places to live. As well, China actually puts in an effort to reduce the core sources for violent crime and theft, by addressing poverty, homelessness, education, and starvation. CCTV doesn’t do much in the west, because the west doesn’t do shit to reduce those key issues.

    Surveillance isn’t a component of communism, it’s gods damned common sense in this current age.