Admins please add these usernames to the master spreadsheet. We can vote on whether they go under the re-education column or the skull and crossbones column.
Admins please add these usernames to the master spreadsheet. We can vote on whether they go under the re-education column or the skull and crossbones column.
It’s always great when left-liberals confirm that they’re anti-communists and would willingly stand against a left-wing revolutionary movement. Totally hasn’t already happened in the past, like with the BPP, the civil rights movement, the Russian revolution, the rise of Hitler, etc.
They also have really bad historical understanding. I’m not sure what they read or where they learn it from. Probably the memoirs of Kissinger, HRC, etc. It’s so strange how everyone on that sub has come to the consensus that, for example, the Sandinistas were the baddies.
In my opinion, it’s pretty easy to understand why American liberals get a warped sense of history and reality. That’s what our education system teaches, almost to the letter. We’re taught in our schools from a very young age to accept the liberal bias.
I vividly remember repeat instances where a teacher or an education official taught myself and the class straight-up liberal propaganda. Things like, imperialism onto Africa wasn’t a bad thing - neither was slavery at first, that capitalism is a wholesome socio-economic system that can do no harm, the US government has always been a defendable entity, that the US military won both world wars, that the US military would have won Vietnam if it stayed in the war a little longer, that Communism was pure evil, etc. Someone without the foresight or the wisdom to be critical of those things later in life will of course end up being a strong supporter of the Empire. Which, American liberals do in spades, even when they are critical of some of the things the Empire has done.
There was a specific time I like to bring up when propaganda in education is a topic. In 3rd grade one of the teachers, an old man named Mr. Frank, had all of the third graders stand in the hall in single file lines. There were four groups of us, so we made four lines. He then went down the line and assigned us a “career” based on what he felt we should be (antidotal additive to this, he was a bit racist and sexist, and that reflected in the careers he assigned students). Afterwards, he gave a lecture about how we should be grateful to our nation for being “free”, and said that what he did is “what they do in China. You’re old enough to enter the workforce, in Communist China, they round up third graders and decide which ones are ready to leave their education. Many people in China can’t read or write, which is why they’re trapped by their tyrannical dictators” Then he proceeded to tell us about how the US was “the freest country in the world” and how “[we’ll] have many more opportunities that any communist country would give us”.
This is important to know about, because it alone highlights how brainwashed liberals are, and further how they get brainwashed in the first place. I generally hate the use of the term “brainwash”, but in this case it’s the best possible term for what that is.
During all of my years of schooling in America, not once did any instructor ever explain what communism was actually about. They only mentioned that communism “is bad” and “maybe works on paper but not in real life”. So yeah I’m also hesitant to use the term brainwash but shit, it took me years to finally see past the propaganda and finally realize that communism is a real school of thought.
I agree. And I guess the fact that their post high school education, even the books and blogs they consume in their free time, are the hagiographies of war criminals and imperialists… well I guess that speaks to the power of ideology.
This is what we mean when we say non-anti-capitalists aren’t comrades. They’ll only ever backstab our movements, and it’s troubling to see would-be-comrades get buddy buddy with the liberals.