You might have been able to infer this from the title, but I don’t believe this community is a good fit for Lemmygrad.

  • LeniX
    3 hours ago



    Honestly, what does it say about a person who adds that to their account description? That’s too much even for ironic language

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    3 hours ago

    I’ve gathered enough from our community and the creator’s responses to make an Admin verdict. I’d like to thank the people who commented on this post and on the creator’s posts, it was a great help. will be banned from Lemmygrad and their communities will be removed. I intended to give them a chance to explain “Transracial” and “Woke-free” and possibly make a change, people make mistakes after all. But they’ve shown a total misunderstanding of the impact that those statements can have. Include their Trotskyist community and the case becomes even more shut. They don’t deserve to be here.

    • ShiningWing
      3 hours ago

      Awesome news stalin heart hands

      Edit: They got banned from Hexbear too

  • diegeticalt (any)
    3 hours ago

    Absolutely not. I vote to ban the 12 hour old account that made it, and liquidate their 3 newly created coms. Just the usual weird wrecker shit.

  • Commissar of Antifa
    4 hours ago

    I’m more concerned about the new community dedicated to a Trotskyist party. The newly created c/socialist also just seems redundant and you could use c/socialism or c/communism instead.

  • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺
    3 hours ago

    I do not know anything about the Socialist workers party, so I cannot talk about its validity or the validity of the comunity, I can only say that any sociality party in the United States I am highly sceptical of from jump.

    Second when I look at the Politics Unfiltered comunity that is the one at issue, I will admit I have not looked far into the posts from the community, however the stated rules of this comunity both run aganst this instance’s principles and stated rules. I will break it down as follows. "Welcome to an unfiltered and unbiased space for discussing U.S. politics! " First we have a community for this, US news, I do not think it is proper for us to have a US by default comunity, as we have done a reasonably good job as having a global by default ethos. Second, we should all know that unbiased is not a thing, everyone has a bias, you can be factual, or objective from your prospective but never unbias, and we need a filter to ensure civil discorse, a filter would allow facism in. next "Here, all parties are welcome — whether it’s Democratic, Republican, or any third party. " this runs affoul with Rules 1 and 5, this will become a theme, but as we all know, both the dems and republicans and most of the third parties (not that they matter) are vehimently anti capitalists, and most of the Communist parties in the US are Ultras or right deviationists. “This is a safe space to share and explore diverse political news and perspectives. Let’s celebrate the true diversity of political thought!” Agian this just feels like it is welcoming Nazis and Fascists, and other sorts of anti-communists and right deviationists, see rules 1 and 5. I do not really want a safe space here for the right wing, in any reguard.

    as it comes to the individual, there bio rases quite a few warnings to me, first is the use of “transratial” most often used in my experence by the right, aswell as “woke free” also it is just unusal in a marxist space to go bragging about being “debt free”. This user also stated that they are from .world and this community they set up was a direct port from there ,world, dispite agnologing we are difrent.

  • Idliketothinkimsmart
    4 hours ago

    I just saw the post about Trump being the favor over KKKamala, and it was literally just the suggestion of some Australian politician. I think it could be argued that actual polling has some level of value, but just people saying stuff and making assertions should not be allowed.

      • OrnluWolfjarl
        3 hours ago

        I think we should allow the community to continue to post reactionary electoralist nonsense from clickbait tabloids because it drives the capitalists crazy

        Capitalists don’t care. Capitalists commodify everything, so us giving them clicks is profit for them.

        whenever they find out that people are actually reading stuff that doesn’t fit the main narrative when it comes to shitty US politics.

        I wouldn’t call performative theatre clickbait articles to “not fit the main narrative”. If you were posting from actual resistance sources, that’d be a different story.

        And since most people on Lemmy think that I’m a Russian troll, trying to avoid the front lines, it makes them more suspicious and angry, and may actually force them to actually think about the bullshit they say for once.

        Their paranoia is such that it is making them lose their minds, so we may as well let them know that they haven’t won in their fight to thwart conversation and true choice.

        So why not create this community on Lemmy?

        Can you explain why it’s not a good fit, or what I should be posting there in order to better fit the theme of Lemmygrad?

        I think people are explaining quite well why it’s not a good fit. Lemmygrad is a leftist space and we like to keep it that way. Your account is suspicious. You are posting shit sources.

        Could you please answer the questions posted throughout this thread? Like:

        1. Who are you? Do you have other accounts?

        2. Why would a 15-hour-old account be creating 3 communities?

        3. Why are you creating the same communities on both Hexbear and Lemmygrad (and who knows where else)?

          • Star Wars Enjoyer A
            3 hours ago

            The other is this political one that isn’t just pro-democrat

            Why would you think that a community that’s Pro-Conservative (or even just Pro-Liberal in general) would be welcomed on a Communist instance?

          • OrnluWolfjarl
            3 hours ago

            What do you mean who I am?

            I’m not asking to dox yourself, but to identify if you already have other accounts. So have you ever posted here from

            Can I ask why that’s an issue?

            1. Because that’s what sockpuppet accounts do. It’s been done to other communities to ruin them. It’s why and are shitty currently.
            2. There’s already a community for socialism. We are a small instance, and oversaturation of communities has been an issue before (and partly the reason why this community exists).
            3. As per above, internet forum etiquette, since ages ago, has been that you first engage with a community, then if you want to make your own space in it, you check to see if such spaces already exist. Personally, I don’t mind so much that you made the community in question, but that you actually made 3 communities straight away and all your account activity shows is you posting things there only with small exceptions. As explained, this is suspicious behaviour.
  • ShiningWing
    5 hours ago

    I agree that it’s really suspicious at best, I have no idea what purpose this community could serve other than for spreading that kind of nonsense, especially considering the brand new account that created it is clearly a reactionary of some variety

  • OrnluWolfjarl
    5 hours ago

    Perhaps it’ll help deconvert liberals attracted to it.

    It has 3 posts by the creator/mod and 2 comments by other people. So on that regard, it’s too early to tell how reactionary it’ll get (though the Daily Mail posts don’t help).

    At this stage, if it bothers you too much, you can always block it, to stop it from appearing in your feed.

    On the other hand, the creator’s account is 14 hours old at the time I post this comment, which is suspect. They have already created 3 communities. 1 is the community in question. The other 2 seem to be dedicated in promoting socialist causes in the current US elections. There’s 2 possibilities to explain this: Either this is a current Lemmygrad member/lurker who decided they wanted to set up some election communities, but decided to do it using an alt. Or this is a sockpuppet account who is setting up communities where elections will be discussed and they are positioning themselves to control the conversation and insert their own propaganda. The possibility that this is a genuine new account who decided within a few hours of joining Lemmygrad to create 3 new whole communities, is quite remote. I also find it suspicious that each community has posts from sources that would be sympathetic to the ideologies of who they think will be using those communities.

    Therefore, my vote would be to reserve judgement until the creator account is investigated.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    5 hours ago

    It might not be the best community on Lemmygrad, but I don’t have an issue with it thus far.

    The mission statement of the community would do better on or one of the ones with more general appeal from liberals. But as it stands right now, it’s fine.

    • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺
      3 hours ago

      I would also like to point out here, that this explictly states “all parties are welcome — whether it’s Democratic, Republican, or any third party.” not only is this HIGHLY US centric, in a community that seems to be trying to be more global, and that has a “US News” community that would fit that anyway. also given that Demorcats and Republicans are Anti-Capitalist parties that violates rule one off the bat

      “This is a safe space to share and explore diverse political news and perspectives. Let’s celebrate the true diversity of political thought!” This is put here and this is explicitly saying that everyone across the political spectrum is allowed in the community, however this is not allowed on Lemmygrad, we very explicity ban some political ideologies, as stated in rule number 1, no capitalist apologia or anti-communism and rule 5 no right deviationists.

      It is a choice to wait untill it becomes an issue, however I feel that we should be proactive given that the rules of the comunity run directly aganst the rules of this instance.

      I would like to bring a few worries that their account gives me just from the bio, First they claim to be transracial, and that tends to be something I see said from people on the right to discreddit trans folks, this is contenued by the use “woke free” agian woke tends to be mostly used by the right wing as a boogy man, and by declaring woke free is a warning to me atleast

    • bobs_gunsOP
      5 hours ago

      To me “unfiltered” and “celebrating the diversity of political thought” means “allowing fascism and fascism-adjacent speech.” I go on this site precisely because we generally don’t allow such nonsense to be posted. Filtering speech is a necessary part of creating a good community.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        5 hours ago

        if someone posts something that qualifies as fascist conjecture, it will be removed. But I have not seen that from them yet.

    • ShiningWing
      5 hours ago

      I think it’s a pretty huge red flag though that it’s a brand new “transracial woke-free” account that immediately creates this community and starts using it to link fascist rags and nothing else

      • cfgaussian
        3 hours ago

        I think it’s a bit strange that an account less than 24 hours old has made over a dozen posts and less than half that amount of comments. I’m not going to jump to the assumption that it’s a bot but i do think it’s a bit rude. When you are new to a community you should maybe first engage with that community for a while as a commenter, maybe even just passively observe for a bit and get to know that community and how it operates before you start spamming posts.

        • ShiningWing
          5 hours ago

          It looks like they’re also doing the same thing with an alt on Hexbear (they posted the same Daily Mail articles to their politics community which looks to be against that community’s “don’t directly link reactionary sites” rule lol), which I think is another red flag

          • cfgaussian
            5 hours ago

            I don’t personally have an issue with someone posting Daily Fail articles, they can be good for a laugh but we should probably keep those sorts of posts to the SRS community.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        4 hours ago

        It might be suspect, but it’s important to give people a chance to either make their case or shift to our community’s concerns before we damn them.

        But I do agree with the “woke-free” part of the concern, that feels like a dog whistle. I will be scrutinizing this account and their communities.

        • 🏳️‍⚧️ Elara ☭
          2 hours ago

          There’s no scrutinizing to be done here. I refuse to participate in a community that accepts or enables anyone claiming to be transracial. In my opinion, someone claiming that they’re transracial warrants an instant permaban. I have been a member of Lemmygrad for a long time, and I moderate some of its biggest communities. I even run other communities that are affiliated with some of Lemmygrad’s communities, but I would’ve deleted my account if this person hadn’t been banned.

          • Star Wars Enjoyer A
            1 hour ago

            to be fair, i’m dyslexic and kept reading it as “Transradical”

            had my eyes have actually worked, the ban would’ve been sooner.