He/him 🇰🇵 🇨🇳 🇨🇺 🇱🇦 🇻🇳 🇵🇸 🏳️🌈 مرگ بر آمریکا
Рабочие всех стран, соединяйтесь
China, Cuba, Korea, Laos and Vietnam all have DOTP. The others have pro-socialist governments but no DOTP.
He was a Labor Zionist, which is basically just colonialism with social democratic welfare for settlers.
Specific countries:
r/communism reading list or ProleWiki reading list. A lot of these books are available in Portuguese on ProleWiki or if not you can go to marxists.org
Edmundo González is now the interim president of Syria.
Patsocs call themselves gorillas for some reason.
Racism, sexism, homophobia and other -isms and -phobias are forms of discrimination: prejudicial attitudes based on stereotypes
This seems like a very idealist view of oppression. Racism isn’t based on mental prejudices or attitudes but on concrete power structures that the ruling class uses against these groups.
Overall I don’t think we should ban them for now but we should keep a close eye on them.
Civil War and slavery:
Settler colonialism:
Labor and socialist movement:
I didn’t find anything specifically about this book, but the book Jews in the Soviet Union said that “those conducting agitation for pogroms [were] outlawed” (19) shortly after the revolution.
I found a Chinese PDF of Modern Chinese Government that you could machine translate.
I don’t think they’ve counted the write-ins yet.
The Lesson of Germany (covers from about 1520 to 1945)
Here’s the original version from the 1960s.
Try to hold a new party congress and make Ligachov gensec, put future GKChP members in top positions of power, purge Yakovlev and Shevardnadze and make sure Yeltsin stays out of power. Rehabilitate Stalin and require all Politburo members to prove they understand Marxism.
Hakim, Deprogram, Rev Left Radio, BreakThrough News, DPRK Explained
Here is a Chinese history book from 1994 with a large section on the Great Leap Forward.