You might have been able to infer this from the title, but I don’t believe this community is a good fit for Lemmygrad.

  • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺
    5 hours ago

    I do not know anything about the Socialist workers party, so I cannot talk about its validity or the validity of the comunity, I can only say that any sociality party in the United States I am highly sceptical of from jump.

    Second when I look at the Politics Unfiltered comunity that is the one at issue, I will admit I have not looked far into the posts from the community, however the stated rules of this comunity both run aganst this instance’s principles and stated rules. I will break it down as follows. "Welcome to an unfiltered and unbiased space for discussing U.S. politics! " First we have a community for this, US news, I do not think it is proper for us to have a US by default comunity, as we have done a reasonably good job as having a global by default ethos. Second, we should all know that unbiased is not a thing, everyone has a bias, you can be factual, or objective from your prospective but never unbias, and we need a filter to ensure civil discorse, a filter would allow facism in. next "Here, all parties are welcome — whether it’s Democratic, Republican, or any third party. " this runs affoul with Rules 1 and 5, this will become a theme, but as we all know, both the dems and republicans and most of the third parties (not that they matter) are vehimently anti capitalists, and most of the Communist parties in the US are Ultras or right deviationists. “This is a safe space to share and explore diverse political news and perspectives. Let’s celebrate the true diversity of political thought!” Agian this just feels like it is welcoming Nazis and Fascists, and other sorts of anti-communists and right deviationists, see rules 1 and 5. I do not really want a safe space here for the right wing, in any reguard.

    as it comes to the individual, there bio rases quite a few warnings to me, first is the use of “transratial” most often used in my experence by the right, aswell as “woke free” also it is just unusal in a marxist space to go bragging about being “debt free”. This user also stated that they are from .world and this community they set up was a direct port from there ,world, dispite agnologing we are difrent.