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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • Ukraine feels more like the Iraq war vibe parallel to me: total media uniformity coming out of nowhere overnight and the average American frothing on queue before eventually beginning to get embarrassed years later when it became clear that “winning” didn’t look how they thought.

    I don’t really know of a modern parallel (besides maybe the obvious one) to Palestine where the entire US government committed to openly exterminating a captive population without even the pretense of popular national or international support. Just straight up “we’re going to do this no matter who you vote for, and if you don’t like it, your options are to ignore it, go to jail, or be killed.”

  • an NPR investigation this year uncovered evidence linking Wang to an elaborate con involving impersonation of government officials, credit card fraud

    can’t believe a totalitarian regime would crush the entrepreneurial freedom of an aspiring small business owner

    People who study journalism said they can’t recall so many news organizations retracting or amending stories because of questions about the reliability of a single source.

    “In the 25 years or so that I’ve been watching this carefully and writing about it, I’ve never seen anything like this,” says Ed Wasserman, former dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. “In the literature, I can’t think of another instance.”

    …and when this exact same thing happens again tomorrow, that will also be the first time anyone will recall seeing anything like it.

  • Housing prices == rents and vice versa. If housing prices collapse so will rents, because they are the same thing. As long as someone or something is able to purchase at an ever increasing price, housing costs will continue to rise.

    this is all correct. US homeowners bear more blame than corporate investors for the current environment. my point is that, given that housing prices == rents and people need housing to be able to live and work, anyone who doesn’t already own their primary residence (presumably with a locked in 3% interest rate forever) is going to be priced out of being alive before prices could theoretically get high enough to destabilize profitability.

    I probably used the wrong term when I said “artificial scarcity”. I know more housing exists than people. what’s kept artificially scarce is housing that is sold/rented for prices that can be afforded by most people on the wages paid by most jobs. Bourgeois economists describe this as a problem of “overconsumption” as though minimum wage workers have the option of “reducing their consumption” of things like housing or medical care below the minimum required to be able to continue working.

    SFH should be for the most part destroyed for climate reasons when Socialism comes


  • It’s definitely good to learn of at least some remaining Syrian anti-imperialist resistance organizing. Hopefully the new reality (HTS rule, worsening material conditions, Turkish and Zionist occupation) and the lack of a unifying “common enemy” in Assad will galvanize more Syrians into recognizing the empire’s role in their declining living standards and uniting in opposition to the “new boss”.

  • I think this post does a good job of laying out some important points that I broadly agree with and are often ignored by certain varieties of imperial “leftist”:

    • that the US took advantage of, and funded SDF in 2015 (and presumably to a greater or lesser extent since) as part of a broad strategy to split the focus and weaken the territorial control of the central Syrian government
    • that the profits from US resource extraction in Syria benefit imperial capitalists and not any particular group of Syrian people.

    That said, when it comes to suggestions like

    don’t support any imperialist funded faction but Syrian liberation from the imperialists. This means Syrian unity and not balkanization.

    …what alternative Syrian political group presently exists that you believe simultaneously represents “Syrian unity” and “liberation from the imperialists”?

    To be clear, I don’t have a reason to believe SDF supports those things. It just appears to me that the only previously existing faction that did is now gone, and that the leader of the current de facto “Syrian unity” bloc appears to be HTS, which (in addition to the Al Qaeda of it all) appears to be the least inclined toward “liberation from the imperialists” and the most backed by the US. I could be wrong about any of that, it’s just the impression I have over the last week or so. The current situation could obviously evolve in a number of different ways, most of them being grim for the average Syrian. My position at the moment is that, if every remaining faction has a history of US support and the US now seeks consolidation under one of the most reactionary factions, imperial goals may be frustrated to some extent if other remaining factions can contest that consolidation under the current comprador regime.

    I’m not about to whitewash or ignore the SDF’s history of imperial collaboration (which they may shortly come to regret when the guns of their “allies” turn on them), but I’ve not really seen evidence that any other remaining faction isn’t currently more aligned with the empire (HTS, Turkey, ”Israel”), and/or worse in a significant way (ISIS).