Communist Party of TERF Island Britain released a statement which includes the following questionable (and downright transphobic) statements:

States that the Gender Recognition Bill is a failure, and does not support it in any way, essentially siding with England because of their antagonism.

States that the bill will only bring confusion and legal chaos, because Scotland doesn’t align with the UK

Claims that you need gender dysphoria to be trans, essentially falling into the transmedicalist ideology

Opposes both Scotland and Wales decision to allow people to change their gender regardless of gender dysphoria, utilising a TERF argument of “men” being predators in women-only and children spaces

Believes in Gender Ideology, and claims that “Gender Ideology” suits the capitalist class despite transphobic media being rampant especially in the UK

Anyways, if anyone supports CPTI (CPB), I hope you realise that they’re no longer a good party.

Update: CPB has released a post saying that they won’t be silenced. It just shows transphobic they are.

  • @SpaceDogs
    201 year ago

    Really living up to the whole “TERF island” thing

    • Anna ☭🏳️‍⚧️OP
      1 year ago

      Not really. When it comes to Communist Parties in the UK, you either have revisionist parties or transphobic parties. There is almost nothing in regards to principled ML orgs.

      • Black AOC
        121 year ago

        Man, and I thought my current bed-down locale was awful because of the reactionary christofascist rurals-- but that is hideous.

        • SovereignState
          121 year ago

          When you can’t even trust the communists, alleged Marxist-Leninists. Some “scientific” socialist parties.

    • Anna ☭🏳️‍⚧️OP
      131 year ago

      The UK wanted to have a unified legal definition of ‘sex’. Scotland agreed to this but later on changed this with the Gender Recognition Bill to have a different legal definition of what ‘sex’ is. The CPB opposes this, saying it will create ‘legal chaos’, basically stating that there would be differences in how it’s being carried out. The UK only recognises changes in sex only when there is gender dysphoria. Scotland changes this to ensure that anyone over the age of 16 can change their sex without needing to have gender dysphoria. The CPB thinks that a ‘unified’ legal definition of sex would help the UK somehow?

      • SovereignState
        131 year ago

        “Legal chaos” and political differences between the nations comprising the U.K. should make any communist happy. Except for the kind who continue to support the existence of empire.

        If this kind of shit were playing out with the CPUSA, you know they’d be called out en masse for being settler socialists, chauvinists and fake communists.

  • @Comrade_Faust
    81 year ago

    I sincerely hope this will put an end to the whole ‘Don’t get the CPB confused with the CPGB-ML!’ criers. They are just as bad, if not even worse, considering how hidden-away a lot of their shortcomings are.

    711 months ago

    “Gender ideology” has got to be the most reactionary thing I’ve ever heard coming from a nominally left-wing group

  • oliver
    -711 months ago


    The Communist Party supports the right of trans people to live free from discrimination and prejudice.

    ‘transphobic statement’ 🤪