Kinda amazing they managed to puke all that vomit around the boot deeply lodged in their throat.

  • Kaffe
    251 year ago

    France and Britain both have colonies still. They own even more of the world through debt (neo-colonies). Greenland is still a Danish colony. Spain still has colonies in Africa.

    • @lil_tank
      181 year ago

      France still has literal colonies all over the world they just consider that they are “part of the Republic” which actually means that those extremely poorer and vastly different regions got the same laws as the territories on the European continent

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
      121 year ago

      And this guy isn’t even a westerner, he’s Romanian. Exhibit of westoid, thinking himself as westerner, but ask average anglo about Romanians and the tune you hear will be probably very much different.

  • @Binkie55
    1 year ago

    They have to be a troll there is no way💀

    • @NothingButBits
      171 year ago

      Seems to be the opinion of the average European.

      • @lil_tank
        151 year ago

        Literally, I’m not joking most of them think like that

  • @Anomo
    111 year ago

    What is it with people and thinking that splitting a country into separate states will make things better

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
      1 year ago

      Sometimes it does, where there is national conflict in a multinational state, especially when one nation opresses other, separating them into states (even small ones) will make things better. Example: Ireland and UK or post war resettlement at the Poland borders.

      But libs, they are only regurgitating State Department divide et impera policy to break up countries that are resisting USA. Russia or China broken to dozen(s) of pieces would have no chance to defend itself even if communists taken power in half of them because other half would have compradors installed.

  • @Shrike502
    81 year ago

    Make your bets, I’m thinking tis a Russian lib

    • @Binkie55
      151 year ago

      I’m betting their Romanian, judging from their name and their post history.