I have found a khanzir ( pig ) !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Edit : they have banned the khanzir ( pig )

Let’s gooooo !!! 😆👍🏼🤝🏼❤️

Great Damn Job Dear Comrades ! Well done ✅

  • @CannotSleep420
    341 year ago

    If there’s one good thing I can say about Wisconcom, they have a good taste in banner images. I really like this one from their last banned account:

  • @fruityloop
    101 year ago

    two wisconcom alts in one day. this guy doesn’t rest.

  • @201dberg
    91 year ago

    How do we find them so fast? IP?

  • @SpaceDogs
    91 year ago

    I’m still a bit new here so who is wisconcom?

    • @ComradeSalad
      1 year ago

      Wisconcom is a truly deranged and banned poster that many believe is a fed or very mentally unwell individual. He is a devote “Hoxhaist” that constantly seeks to get in fights, inflame the community, and spread extremely strange, unbacked, almost conspiracy-like “Marxist-Hoxhaist theory”.

      He was given multiple chances to stop, but was permanently banned a while back. Despite that he keeps trying to sneak back in every few weeks, and it’s become a community tradition to spot and stamp out the dozens upon dozens of alt accounts he keeps making to sneak past the moderation. They’re really easy to spot, since he blows his cover right away and starts advocating for Wisconcom almost every time. Because of this, “Banned, Reason: Wisconcom alt” has become a bit of a meme in Lemmygrad.