Shalom Comrades . How are you all . I have another question :

What is this suppose to be ? Is this is a troll or a bot ? Or what is this ? . Did some of you notice it ? I need a simple answer.

  1. When did this community started ?

  2. Was this approved by the administrations and moderators of and is it Kosher ( permissible ) to be their in the first place or is it Asur ( prohibited ) ?

I hope to hear an answer to my question . I am very suspicious about this , i don’t know if this is a troll , bot , fed / cia or even psyop community that is there to spy on us or something else . Keep an eye on it my beloved comrades . we can’t let our guard down for even a minute .

Edit : why the F*ck says this sussy sentence ? :

“ Friends of the subreddit , The “ Jews ” of /r/MemriTVmemes ” .

By “ the jews ” is he meaning people like literally jews like me ? Or Zionists who are the fake “ jews ” ? .

  • QueerCommie
    151 year ago

    That doesn’t look good. Idk anything about it. Also, we should add a memritvmemes community.

      • QueerCommie
        91 year ago

        Memritv is an opp, but the community is meant to make fun of them.

          • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
            1 year ago

            I have checked that community once in a year ago and it’s 90% reactionary and 50% “normal” . but still that community was / is literally a shit show of homophobia , xenophobia , muslimphobia , anti-semitism ( literally in that subreddit ) and other very bad things that i will not mention here .

            Edit : I was checking the Subreddit of MemriTVmemes right now and you were absolutely right about it is too reactionary , i really wish to wash my eyes and detoxify my beloved brain right now from the horrible shit show and toxicity and bigotry that is going on there right now in that Subreddit .

            Do not go there i repeat do not go to R/MemriTVmemes i commited the biggest mistake of my entire life , is horrible 😔 that’s the only thing i can say . do not go there ! .

            • QueerCommie
              41 year ago

              Exactly why we must create a non-trash version

      • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
        71 year ago

        Yes it is a Zionist State opp Here is the evidence :

        A piece from the article :

        “ But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

        “They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis,” Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. “They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don’t like.”

        Take the case of Professor Halim Barakat, a novelist and scholar associated with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.

        In 2002, he published an article on Zionism in London’s Al-Hayat Daily, but says that in certain instances, MEMRI selectively edited what he wrote.

        “I know how to make a distinction between Judaism and Zionism, but they distorted the article,” Barakat told InFocus. “They left out certain things and tried to make it look anti-Semitic.”

        Shortly afterward, Campus Watch, the brainchild of notorious Islamophobe Daniel Pipes, used the allegedly doctored translation in an effort to smear Georgetown University.

        Finkelstein, an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and the U.S. pro-Israel lobby, also had a run-in with MEMRI.

        In 2006, he gave a TV interview in Lebanon on the way the Nazi Holocaust is used to silence critics of Israel.

        Finkelstein later wrote on his Web site: “MEMRI recently posted what it alleged was an interview I did with Lebanese television on the Nazi Holocaust. The MEMRI posting was designed to prove that I was a Holocaust denier.”

        Far from being a Holocaust denier, Finkelstein’s own parents were Holocaust survivors, a fact he has often spoken about.

        But MEMRI was able to create the opposite impression, as Finkelstein demonstrated on his Web site, by editing out large chunks of the actual interview.

        When some comments by the moderator were included, it appeared that Finkelstein’s interview was about nitpicking the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust rather than about Israel/Palestine.

        MEMRI’s obsessive interest in protecting Israel derives from the people and interests that founded, fund and manage the institute’s international operations.

        It was founded in 1998 by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israel Defense Forces (Intelligence Branch) from 1968 until 1988, acting head of civil administration in the West Bank from 1977 to 1982; and Israeli-born Meyrav Wurmser, an extreme rightwing neoconservative now affiliated with the Hudson Institute.

        Meyrav is married to David Wurmser, at one time an American Enterprise Institute “scholar” and then a State Department apparatchik under John Bolton.

        Both participated in the collective writing of “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a seminal 1996 neocon document that advocated an end to negotiations with the Palestinians and permanent war against the Arab world.

        They also worked with Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle and other rightwing ideologues who promoted and embellished the fiction that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.

        MEMRI has offices in Jerusalem, Berlin, London, Washington and Tokyo, and in a 2006 Jerusalem Post interview, Carmon claimed to have one in Iraq.

        It translates film and print into English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish and Japanese.

        Tax returns for 2004 indicate American funding of between two to three million dollars, much of it from conservative donors and foundations - but those who have followed its far-flung operations suspect much higher expenditures.

        Besides Carmon, several MEMRI staffers are former Israeli intelligence specialists. Especially troubling are suspected links between MEMRI and the current Israeli intelligence establishment.

        According to a 2005 article in Israel’s Ha’aretz, the Israeli Defense Forces plants fake stories in the Arab media, which it then translates and tries to retail to Israeli journalists. How much of MEMRI is simply an extension of such IDF operations?

        The questions raised by the Ha’aretz story caused Proffesor Juan Cole to write, “How much of what we ‘know’ from ‘Arab sources’ about ‘Hizbullah terrorism’ was simply made up by this fantasy factory in Tel Aviv?”

        British journalist Brian Whitaker, Middle East editor of the Guardian, dismisses MEMRI as “basically a propaganda machine.”

        Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, accuses them of “outright distortion,” and former CIA case officer Vince Cannistraro has written that “they (MEMRI) are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud.”

        With characteristic bluntness. Norman Finkelstein has written: “MEMRI is a main arm of Israeli propaganda. Although widely used in the mainstream media as a source of information on the Arab world, it is as trustworthy as Julius Streicher’s Der Sturmer was on the Jewish world.” (Der Sturmer was a rabidly anti-Semitic newspaper, and Streicher a notoriously cruel Nazi.)

    • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
      1 year ago

      I have a bad feeling about this . i hope this doesn’t get worst .

      I have seen some new accounts lately and i have seen some downvotes in some of our Comrades comments and posts when we talk about Isn’treal and Amerikkka , when i or some Comrades post or even talk about Anti-zionist topics and Anti-Amerikkkan stuff ( btw very ba’ased as f*ck let’s keep dunking on them 😎🤝🏼👍🏼❤️ ) it gets one downvote or two downvotes every time when someone post something about against The Zionist entity or Amerikkkan Regime so maybe this new accounts are the ones giving us the downvotes ? Or what could it be ? . 🤔

      • @triplenadir
        -41 year ago

        some of us just out here downvoting anything using the word “based”, it belongs to the Black people who came up with it, or the Nazis who took it over, nobody else 🤷

        • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
          1 year ago

          Wait a second ?, No one told me about that . so saying the word or phrase That starts with " B " is now a prohibited ? ( I used a lot but not with the bad intentions or anything else ) i am sorry for using that word i never thought or even knew about that my bad i will stop using it 👍🏼 ( and not only just that . i even received downvotes and some other Comrades too but not for saying such phrase or anything else . But only for posting this :

          And what not . And they ( the other comrades ) din’t say the B word and they still got downvoted , so why is that ? )

          • @triplenadir
            -31 year ago

            So saying the word or phrase That starts with " B " is now a prohibited

            Fortunately/unfortunately I’m not in charge of what words are allowed on Lemmy or Lemmygrad, let alone the english language. But yes, I’d suggest retiring the “based” word.

            the other comrades ) din’t say the B word and they still got downvoted , so why is that ?

            I can’t be everywhere 😉

  • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️
    1 year ago

    Welcome to the /r/SyrianCirclejerkWar. The official acronym is “SCJW” or “/r/SCJW” (it is beautifully similar to SJW and thus, it was chosen)

    If this sub hurts your feelings, go here: r/SyrianSnowFlakeWar

    The Jews of /r/MemriTVmemes

    Yeah, this is a reactionary hellhole.

    How this ended up in here and not in, say, somewhere like Lemmy or Wolfballs is beyond me.

    I’ve visited r/SyrianCirclejerkWar before. Reactionary “humor” (notably Anti-LGBT bullshit packaged as humor), as well as reactionary comments sometimes surface in that subreddit.

  • Arsen6331 ☭
    91 year ago

    My guess is that it’s either a troll or it’s a community someone decided to make without permission. Communities don’t have to be approved by admins, only accounts.