Shalom Comrades . How are you all . I have another question :

What is this suppose to be ? Is this is a troll or a bot ? Or what is this ? . Did some of you notice it ? I need a simple answer.

  1. When did this community started ?

  2. Was this approved by the administrations and moderators of and is it Kosher ( permissible ) to be their in the first place or is it Asur ( prohibited ) ?

I hope to hear an answer to my question . I am very suspicious about this , i don’t know if this is a troll , bot , fed / cia or even psyop community that is there to spy on us or something else . Keep an eye on it my beloved comrades . we can’t let our guard down for even a minute .

Edit : why the F*ck says this sussy sentence ? :

“ Friends of the subreddit , The “ Jews ” of /r/MemriTVmemes ” .

By “ the jews ” is he meaning people like literally jews like me ? Or Zionists who are the fake “ jews ” ? .

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
    1 year ago

    I have a bad feeling about this . i hope this doesn’t get worst .

    I have seen some new accounts lately and i have seen some downvotes in some of our Comrades comments and posts when we talk about Isn’treal and Amerikkka , when i or some Comrades post or even talk about Anti-zionist topics and Anti-Amerikkkan stuff ( btw very ba’ased as f*ck let’s keep dunking on them 😎🤝🏼👍🏼❤️ ) it gets one downvote or two downvotes every time when someone post something about against The Zionist entity or Amerikkkan Regime so maybe this new accounts are the ones giving us the downvotes ? Or what could it be ? . 🤔

    • @triplenadir
      -41 year ago

      some of us just out here downvoting anything using the word “based”, it belongs to the Black people who came up with it, or the Nazis who took it over, nobody else 🤷

      • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
        1 year ago

        Wait a second ?, No one told me about that . so saying the word or phrase That starts with " B " is now a prohibited ? ( I used a lot but not with the bad intentions or anything else ) i am sorry for using that word i never thought or even knew about that my bad i will stop using it 👍🏼 ( and not only just that . i even received downvotes and some other Comrades too but not for saying such phrase or anything else . But only for posting this :

        And what not . And they ( the other comrades ) din’t say the B word and they still got downvoted , so why is that ? )

        • @triplenadir
          -31 year ago

          So saying the word or phrase That starts with " B " is now a prohibited

          Fortunately/unfortunately I’m not in charge of what words are allowed on Lemmy or Lemmygrad, let alone the english language. But yes, I’d suggest retiring the “based” word.

          the other comrades ) din’t say the B word and they still got downvoted , so why is that ?

          I can’t be everywhere 😉