Shalom Comrades . How are you all . I have another question :

What is this suppose to be ? Is this is a troll or a bot ? Or what is this ? . Did some of you notice it ? I need a simple answer.

  1. When did this community started ?

  2. Was this approved by the administrations and moderators of and is it Kosher ( permissible ) to be their in the first place or is it Asur ( prohibited ) ?

I hope to hear an answer to my question . I am very suspicious about this , i don’t know if this is a troll , bot , fed / cia or even psyop community that is there to spy on us or something else . Keep an eye on it my beloved comrades . we can’t let our guard down for even a minute .

Edit : why the F*ck says this sussy sentence ? :

“ Friends of the subreddit , The “ Jews ” of /r/MemriTVmemes ” .

By “ the jews ” is he meaning people like literally jews like me ? Or Zionists who are the fake “ jews ” ? .

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
    1 year ago

    I have checked that community once in a year ago and it’s 90% reactionary and 50% “normal” . but still that community was / is literally a shit show of homophobia , xenophobia , muslimphobia , anti-semitism ( literally in that subreddit ) and other very bad things that i will not mention here .

    Edit : I was checking the Subreddit of MemriTVmemes right now and you were absolutely right about it is too reactionary , i really wish to wash my eyes and detoxify my beloved brain right now from the horrible shit show and toxicity and bigotry that is going on there right now in that Subreddit .

    Do not go there i repeat do not go to R/MemriTVmemes i commited the biggest mistake of my entire life , is horrible 😔 that’s the only thing i can say . do not go there ! .

    • QueerCommie
      41 year ago

      Exactly why we must create a non-trash version