I saw this being discussed on Reddit a while back and people were fighting on both sides between the arguments of cruelty vs contribution to society, and I want to hear a socialist perspective on this. The post was basically “why use rats for medical experiments when we have entire prisons full of child molesters?” Basically, people who have done horrible things and sentenced to death. Most pepple here seem to support the death penalty and people here even say things like “they deserve worse than death” all the time. So is using them for medical experiments that might cause severe suffering and/or kill them ever defensible even for people who have done horrible things?

  • loathesome dongeater
    1 year ago

    Without getting into the morality it’s a bit contradictory. The point of a socialist economy is to minimise the number of people “who deserve to be experimented upon” to put it bluntly.

    Edit: To answer your question directly i would say “no” but i am pretty far removed from the medical community.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    1 year ago

    What is even the point of that. You can find willing participants in capitalism already for your medical studies (following Reddit’s logic, because I doubt any of those technobros believe in socialism)

    Just put convicts to work in socially necessary projects like any other worker as a way to work towards rehabilitation. Why do people want to be Unit 731 so bad when we had a real example of real socialist reintegration?

  • @Spagetisprettygood
    101 year ago

    I don’t think there should be any incentive given to utilize people who have done any kind of crime. Like how using prisoners for slave labor in America leads to incentives to get more slave prisoners.

  • commiespammer
    11 year ago

    because lab rats are born and raised for this. It’s their purpose in life. It might seem cruel, but they’re well cared for and certainly it would be much less ethical to experiment on humans.

    As a biology lover I am quite defensive of medicine in general so take this with a grain of salt.

  • @boston_key_party
    -71 year ago

    Gotta go with Jeremy Bentham on this one: In principle, yes