• @Shrike502
    291 year ago

    This is your brain on decades upon decades of capitalist propaganda

  • @CannotSleep420
    281 year ago

    The U.S. dissolved its empire? Damn the brainwashing goes deep.

    • Kaffe
      201 year ago

      Dissolved the empire by (checks notes) completing the annexation of Hawaii and Alaska, indebting the Allies, occupying Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, indebting the French and British colonies in Africa.

  • PurpleHats
    181 year ago

    Ah yes, the us allowed all nations to choose their own leadership yes /s

    • @Shrike502
      71 year ago

      But of course! The benevolent USA had graciously offered The Public ™ a choice between Nazis and less obvious Nazis!