He is fine, apparently he got hit in the leg.

  • @knfrmity
    251 year ago

    Can’t say I’m surprised. Seven months since the coup, with all the propaganda being directed at him and being banned from political office, and he’s more popular than ever.

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    Glad he’s ok. This is gonna blow up in the would-be assassins’ faces I think. Surviving an assassination attempt historically has only made politicians more popular, we’ll see if that remains true. We saw much conflict in Argentina after the attempted killing of VP Kirchner, with many left-wing activists taking the streets. Could see something similar in Pakistan.✊️

    • @supersolid_snake
      151 year ago

      He already has incredible support. When the coup government does cave and allows regional elections, he wins like 80%+ of the seats and votes. Unfortunately the military is a puppet of the US.

  • @supersolid_snake
    1 year ago

    I hate the “west”. Centuries of parasitic leeching and the west still can’t let go of that country and has to impose a puppet military and elite on it. We get one good leader, and he gets couped and now they are trying to eliminate him due to overwhelming popular support.

    The size and coverage in the western media of the Iran protests and the Pakistan protests are so wide apart, it’s hilarious. Fuck the west, fuck the IMF, fuck all capitalist leeches (I am under no illusion that IK is a socialist, but still he cares about the poor, which is good enough)

    • @carpe_modo
      121 year ago

      The prime minister of Pakistan that got couped recently.