• @chad1234
    32 years ago

    I did not expect this Infrared to become so popular so quickly. but recently they are getting mentions on this forum also

    • @CriticalResist8A
      42 years ago

      Infrared started to get popular around the time Haz (Infrared is a collective) started debating everyone and anyone, and his unhinged style caught the eye of radlib breadtubers who, of course, wanted to get in on debating the guy that just yells at you for 15 minutes. They had videos before they started doing debates and you can see they were just kinda stagnating below the 500 subscribers mark before then.

      But one thing they’ve always had is the nazbol fans lol

      • @chad1234
        22 years ago

        Do you think their influence has surpassed that of the various communities on Reddit and other sites that are associated with Lemmygrad?

        • @CriticalResist8A
          42 years ago

          Not yet, and only possible if you believe youtubers are able to extend any kind of influence that will change things… I’m still not convinced on that part lol