• ButtigiegMineralMap
    2 years ago

    I watched him for quite a while, as I became more and more principled I took issue with more of his takes. He’s also kinda opportunistic/self-centered. When AOC went to MET gala(🤮) someone had said “Bernie wouldn’t be caught dead there” and he replied “dude who wouldn’t wanna be there, if I was invited I’d definitely go”. Idk I liked watching Hasan but he used to always stop promptly at DemSoc while appropriating a lot of Left Aesthetic (Raising a Red Flag, Soviet-esque designs, Russian Ushanka). I think he did one video about Marxian Economics and Theories of Labor Extraction that bored everyone in the chat and I think they never visited it again(but I do recall him at least mentioning that this type of proof of exploitation is important, and it is) overall he’s far from the worst political YT has to offer, not even the worst that the US Left has to offer, but he’s unwatchable now(which is unfortunate bc I used to show my friends his vids and they took to him and never evolved past Hasan’s positions)