Comrades Please sit down, take a celebratory box of Cuban cigars and a bottle of Cuban Rum, so we may Celebrate Cuban Liberation Day together 🇨🇺 ! As Comrade Castro said “If you smoke, you can smoke them; if you have any friends who smoke, you can share with them; but the best thing you can do with this box of cigars is give them to your enemy”, we do have donation boxes for the Yankees, Zionists and Fascist at the front.

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Oh, and I have also been informed I should to wish you a happy new year, and a good Juche 113, but lets be honest, we are all here for Cuban Liberation day right?

  • DankZedong A
    9 months ago

    I’ve read that roughly 75% procent of women that get murdered are murdered by someone close to them, compared to 13% of the men that get murdered. The issue seems to be domestic violence, misogyny, gender inequality or LHBTQ+ hate. The Reddit thread about this murder was full of men whining that men are more often the victim of murder, which is true. But they fail to see that the reasons that men get murdered are often different (crime being one of the biggest reasons).

    With things like this it gets pointed out that, akshually, women hate men so much that they deem themselves more important than the men getting murdered. But feminist orgs aren’t doing this. They are only asking for more legal options to prevent femicide from happening. If men getting murdered bothers you this much, maybe start your own campaign to tackle men related problems?

    • redtea
      9 months ago

      This is the real whataboutism—

      Women get murdered.

      Can we stop murdering women, please?


      What about all the murdered men? Why do you hate them?

      Of course, reactionaries don’t necessarily want any less murdering, men or women. Otherwise, as you say, they’d start other campaigns. But reactionaries, unquestioning of their political economic environment, don’t stop to think why there’s no impetus to prevent murder: it would make things too safe for minorities, and it would undermine the justification for so much surveillance and police militarisation. There’s too much money in the murders that happen. The ruling ideas on murder prevention are, unsurprisingly, the ideas of the ruling class.

      • DankZedong A
        9 months ago

        Yup. A few days ago a woman contacted the press about her stay in a safe house. She escaped an abusive husband to stay there the bill got to 3000 euro for a couple of weeks. You either are rich and pay it, are desperate and pay it or you keep staying with the abuser. It’s messed up.

        • redtea
          9 months ago

          Tragic. It’s the same elsewhere, I fear. But if you started providing affordable safe homes or properly subsidising housing for domestic abuse, it might eat into landlords’ and banks’ profits (it wouldn’t, actually, as it would just provide another way of filtering public money into private hands, but this would piss off the petite bourgeois). There are some good women’s centres but they’re so underfunded they can only do so much.