I’m watching Solaris, dir. by Andrei Tarkovsky right now.

Anything else I should watch?

  • pimento
    3 years ago
    • Wolf Warrior 1 + 2
    • Wandering Earth
    • Lost in Russia

    Protip for watching Chinese movies: find the Chinese title (eg from Wikipedia), and search that on youtube. Usually you can find a subtitled version that way.

  • housefinch
    3 years ago

    Tarkovsky’s stuff in general, if you like one film I’d recommend watching the rest.* Alexander Nevsky* is pretty cool, you’ll see where modern film got a lot of filming strategies from and some strong Starwars vibes. Ikarie-XB1 for an Eastern Euro film with strong Space Odyssey 2001 and Startreck vibes before either of those came out.

    White Sun of the Desert is a neat film if you like westerns in all their many forms, and this one even if just for the ‘dear Katerina Matveyevna’ meme.

    For Chinese films Kaili Blues has beautiful cinematography, long shots, is a bit surrealistic at times so its a fun watch if you like Tarvosky’s Stalker. I would third or forth the recommendation for Wandering Earth, it’s pure eye-candy and the story’s really good for it being family friendly. A Touch of Sin is good if you like drama.

    Then martial arts films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers,* Shaolin Temple*, IP man

    Soy Cuba again good cinematography and it goes over the reactions of Cubans to a revolutionary march which is pretty cool. Muerte de un burócrata, a dark comedy about bureaucracy and Fresa y Chocolate about lgbt in the 80s are two other interesting Cuban films by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea that highlight issues in Cuban society featured in the film but still good. Cecilia based on the novel of the same name is yet another good Cuban film, it makes me personally think of Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev for some reason idk.

  • Muad'DibberMA
    3 years ago

    If you liked solaris, watch stalker. Very heavy and involved, like ibsen or something, but really psychologically affecting.

  • KiwiProle
    3 years ago

    For more contemporary viewing In The Name of The People is a great Chinese crime drama, well shot, some genuinely hilarious bits of dialogue and generally good build of tension