I am going to preface all of this by saying that I am a bit assmad about the situation.

I found this viral video that’s been going around of some dude interviewing a couple about a Hall Pass. The girl excitedly says that she’d do it, the guy looks confused. That’s fine, funny even…until you scroll down. Pretty much all the replies are that she’s a wh’re, he should leave her, calling the guy a c’ck, some people acting like she should be publicly shamed or stoned for daring to answer the question she was asked. Like no action was committed this is all part of an interview.

When I saw this I was really disgusted and kinda shocked by how strong the blowback was. But then it hit me: There is nothing that unites a bunch of asshole men quite like “woman bad.” Even a woman talking about her sex life labels her as a harlot that no one should even associate with. Meanwhile the dude that asked the question doesn’t get a second look because there’s a woman being uppity or something.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
      122 years ago

      Draws some random lines

      “It all adds up, you guys!”

      Woman wearing, get this: clothing

      “Aha, I knew it! IT ALL ADDS UP!”

    • @KommandoGZD
      112 years ago

      What does this even mean?

      He leans towards her, so he’s a beta male and she’s dominating him or something. People believe this unironically, but it’s also become a meme at this point.

      More insanity

      Don’t remember what exactly the finger one means, but it’s essentially skull shapes for sexes. And in some way ofc means she’s an illoyal slut etc pp

      • @Ottar
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @KommandoGZD
          2 years ago

          “They made his shoulders small so now he’s feminine” energy.

          Lmao is that what the “claw” thing is about?

          Nah I haven’t looked into the nofap thing for a very long time, but not surprising they’re at third eye esoterical bs now. Some years ago it was only at the “it gives high test and thus makes you an alpha gigachad” stage from what I remember.

          But yeah, the pseudo science in right-wing spaces always seems to get totally unhinged even back to the OG Nazis (the Himmler faction especially). Like nofap, even some of the pickup and Jordan Peterson self improvement stuff started out from fairly innocuous stuff, just people seeking to get off porn addicition, social awkwardness, struggles with depression, basic self-care, etc. Then it inevitably just goes off the rails with unhinged esoterics and pseudo science. Just look at JP. Man went from telling people to clean their room to having mental breakdowns about god and the spirits and whatever constantly. Nofap to what you described. It goes on and on.

          • @Ottar
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

  • Grace
    2 years ago

    Also see: the gleeful unfolding of the heard trial and unhinged memes that came because she was crying wrong. Large swathes of the internet are an echo chamber for misogyny.

    On reddit there was a front page post of a guy’s screenshots where the girl admitted to making up abuse and he was like I just want to see my kid and it was so obviously photoshopped but everybody was lapping it up and saying girls are crazy.

    • @MzuarkOP
      32 years ago

      Reddit is ironically misinformation central, considering you can get thousands of people to shower you with love and attention over something clearly fake.

  • @whoami
    22 years ago

    the whole thing was dumb, but yes incel bullshit is awful and needs to be dealt with