I think they clearly expressed they were going through some hard times. I don’t think that’s necessarily a sin. And I don’t think one comment we all disagree (landlords) is a good lone reason to ban. Did I miss something? Not trying to stir the pot I just think patience and compassion should always come first.

  • immoral_hedge
    2 years ago

    What? Google the quote and you will find memes and grafitti tags with it. The comment that got Zero banned was on a post glorifying a guy for killing his landlord with a sword. (Not saying he was wrong but it plays into it)

    • loathsome dongeaterA
      2 years ago

      Okay then. When I say no says it, I meant that no one seriously advocates for mass killing of literally all landlords. A grafitti picture and some memes are not an affirmation of this being any sort of a popular position within communist circles. Let alone anywhere else.

      • immoral_hedge
        2 years ago

        If you search this site, the second thing that shows is a comment saying «It feels nice to be able to say kill all the landlords and slave owners.» with 44 upvotes. Its a edgy meme, i get it. I even find it somewhat funny. Anyway, its beside the point. Landlord is a bit vague in this meme context.

        What it started with was the comment from Zero:

        Reminder landlords can still be a part of worker class. Most are

        I understand where he is coming from in first part. Confused about classes. It would not be to hard to link to some ML texts that discusses it. It can also ‘simply’ be explained that its the billionaires and exploiters we want to get rid of. The last part is just laughable. It would be pretty easy to prove to Zero or anyone that you cant be working class and a landlord at the same time by marxist definitions. But people get confused/some trolls and mixes it with the much more loose definition that the west has for it today.