SilverSpook is a communist Native Hawaiian and a pretty prominent one, but are there any others I can follow? I’m in Canada, and when it comes to communism in a colonized country, first nations matters must be one of the first things to consider.

I most want to hear a socialist indigenous perspective on whether they reconciliation between settlers and natives is even possible, or if they honestly just want the people who are here due to colonialism and the settler-run post colonial government (me included mind you) to GTFO. Or if not, in places like Canada or the US indigenous people they’re only 1% of the population, how they think socialism should work that’s in the best interests of them, how land ownership should work between them and non-Indigenous people. If anyone has a link to what an actual indigenous person has to say about that, that’d be great.

  • Rafael_Luisi
    2 years ago

    Not an indigenous, but here in Brasil, and most of south america, the genocide against indigenous people was one of the worst. Brasil in specific was one of the countries with the most slaves in the world before slavery was abolished, more then half of our population is black or black descendant, most of the white people are not even natives from here, they are immigrants or descendants of european immigrants from the last 1 century and a half.

    You can see that we are literally an massive melting pot of different etnies, but because literally everyone, except the indigenous people, are not from here, so we dont really have separatist movements, and movements based on race superiority (nazis) where not able of rooting in here even when we where the country with the second biggest ammounts of nazis, because surprisingly race superiority dont work in a country where you dont even have an base ethnicity, we are all brasillians here.

    Unfortunatly while race superiority dont root, discrimination does, like in the US, our mass slavery roots still haunts us, indigenous and black people are mainly poor and suffer a lot of discrimination most of the times. It definitly got less worse through the years, but mainly the cops are the ones who do discrimination against black and indigenous people.

    Lots of problems in my country are fault of capitalism itself, and the other half is because of the way the country was built, based on inequality, we are like an poor’s man USA.