• KiG V2
    78 months ago

    Am i only one not seeing all the comments here?

    • @redtea
      8 months ago

      No. I get yours and one other.

      Edit: but you can see the comments if you click ‘chat’. Looks like someone was banned, which deletes their comment and hides the comment chain.

      • @davel
        28 months ago

        I’ve run into this several times since the Gaza prison break a week and a half ago.

    • DankZedong A
      198 months ago

      You can see the bodies yourself if you follow a Palestinian page on Instagram, eyesonpalestine for example. Or watch the press conference of the Health Minister standing in a sea of bodies. I haven’t counted them myself but I can imagine it’s somewhere around 800 from the images I’ve seen.

      And then we have Israel issuing multiple warnings to this hospital, saying they were going to bomb them, and one of the Israeli spokespersons claiming the attack afterwards, before deleting his tweet. We have Israel providing fake evidence with a video which they later deleted. We have Israel who has thus far bombed 22 hospitals in 9 days. We have Israel, who is known to forget evidence or outright lie about the war crimes they commit.

      But let’s believe them on this one, where they came with lousy evidence the moment they realised the outrage this has sparked, sure.

      • DankZedong A
        118 months ago

        Because the media tells him to lmao

    • @davel
      108 months ago

      The onus of proof is on the fascists committing ethnic cleansing.