• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    103 years ago

    gods it’s so annoying when Anarchists essentially just say “Fuck imperialism! but also fuck the people being imperialized!” like, come the fuck on guys, you’re going to have to back the anti-imperialist faction in this (Palestine) or you’ll ultimately just legitimize the imperialists. But, I guess this is too much to expect from glue drinkers and folk who get aggressive when theory is mentioned.

  • @queer_bird
    73 years ago

    Even if you believe that…So? Does that make imperialism OK if the victim isn’t the Wokest on the block? By pretending they are on equal moral ground you’re just validating Zionism by not condemning it as the obviously greater evil.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      53 years ago

      Anarchist seeing a person getting robbed at gunpoint

      “Meh, they’re both not perfect. Both sides are just as bad.”

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        33 years ago

        the Anarchist next to them: “Shooting people is bad, but neither of these people are all that great either. smh”

        • Star Wars Enjoyer A
          23 years ago

          the post-leftist next to them: “maybe the muggee shouldn’t have been asking to be mugged? seems to me like they deserve to be killed for it”

          • Star Wars Enjoyer A
            33 years ago

            the liberal beside them: “okay, i can agree with you about this, but if anyone says anything bad about the mugger, i’m going to laugh about you at brunch”

      • ghost_laptop
        03 years ago

        As a person who robs other people to live, I have to disagree with anarchists, those who are being robbed at gunpoint are pretty stupid lmao

        • @solune
          03 years ago

          Wait, do you really?

          • ghost_laptop
            03 years ago

            No, I have stolen from houses a couple of times, shoplifted and sold drugs but never robbed anyone with a gun, although I would do it if I need to. I would try to rob rich people, though.