• @TeethOrCoat
    134 years ago

    I think I read your reddit post on this a while back and it was actually the decisive ML hook essay for me. This was back when I had a very unsatisfying feeling about anarchism’s prospects.

    In the back of my mind always loomed a physics question. Can they fulfill the ultimate requirement, when all is said and it is time to win the world for real: F(You) > F(Enemy)? If this requirement is not met, you can have a billion people on your side in the morning and at the end of the day you’ll be rotting beside a billion corpses. All your beautifully written critiques of authority, all your complaining about this and that state department atrocity will have meant nothing.

    These past few days I’ve seen so many sentiments on twitter talking about the US descending into fascism. While the useless libs were attempting to urge people to vote Biden not even considering how nonsensical that notion is in the face of actual fascism, 2 words kept repeating on a loop in my mind: Yes. And?

    I’m sorry to the anarchists complaining about authority, but I don’t want to have endless freedom to “criticize” while the fascists crush my comrades to dust. I want to see Pompeo’s lifeless body hanging like Mussolini, while his skull rots on a spike beside it.

      • @TeethOrCoat
        84 years ago

        Thanks comrade. This post has to be one of the best pieces I’ve ever seen on the internet and just had to let the author know.